Chapter 15-The Visitors

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Chapter 15

The visitors

As we approached the sacred circle we fell into a respectful silence: Francis and Summer stood hand in hand facing each other, eyes closed whilst quietly chanting.

Effie clasped my hand tightly. I smiled reassuringly and looked about me, taking in every inch of the scene: Candles were placed around both the sacred rock and tree whilst soft music was playing quietly in the back ground with some kind of underlying frequency which I could just about pick up without the aid of earphones. I began to relax, despite knowing what lay ahead, as the beautiful scenery and deep peace of the countryside began to penetrate my being and nourish my soul.

Francis and Summer stopped their chanting and simultaneously opened their eyes, looking almost surprised to see us there. Summer hugged Francis tightly and as she turned to face us, I detected a glint of tears in her eyes; She knew. She had just said her goodbyes to him.

"Okay guys, I want you to lay down in a circle, but your heads must be directed towards the rock and tree, as evidently they are in the center, feet facing outwards." Francis walked amongst us, helping us to get into position. I lay down on my blanket and gazed up at the clouds above.

"Summer and I will direct you all and will join in the meditation when we reach a certain level of mind body relaxation. First, I'm playing 528 hz, love frequency, this is to open the heart chakra and then I will change to a different frequency to open the third eye and stimulate the pineal gland. Enjoy every moment of the trip, no matter what and take all the healing nature is offering us right now."

Already I was beginning to disconnect, being here in this amazing place, the soothing music, the cloud formations above me, every second of it was already filling me with gratitude and a much-needed sense of serenity.

Summer began walking around us waving a burning stick which reminded me of incense.

"With your heads in a comfortable position I want you to all raise your eyes to the skies without moving your heads, just the eyes as if you were looking up at that central point between your eyebrows. Relax the small muscles around your eyes and just continue gazing at the spot above you as your eyelids become heavy. Continue as you are and just do a deep body scan and consciously relax every muscle from head to toe." Her voice was so soothing that I was already beginning to drift...

Now, take your attention to your breathing, breathe in deeply, pure positivity and healing unconditional love. Breathe out any negativity, tension, dark energies, and low energies, expelling them from your body now through your exhalation.

Imagine the negativity leaving your body like smoke from a campfire, drifting up and up into the sky, into the universe where it will evaporate forever. Relax every cell, every fiber, every muscle of your body becoming so deeply relaxed now" I was drifting, floating letting go much quicker than I expected to. It was an incredible feeling.

"Wherever you go today, my voice will accompany you on your journey, to that unique inner world of yours. Just observe any thoughts that enter your head now, no fighting, just allow and observe and watch as they leave as quickly as they entered. Be the observer of your mind. Eyelids becoming so heavy now" The distant sounds of nature, the soft breeze and background music contributed to the sensation of total peace around us. As I drifted deeper and deeper, I vaguely remembered Summer talking about her psychology degree and how she had then gone on to study hypnosis. She most definitely had the voice for it as I was going, going gone...

I drifted in and out of consciousness, catching specific words and then I'd disappear once again into deep nothingness, total and absolute peace. My body felt extremely heavy; indeed my limbs were heavy as lead, yet my mind felt so free as if neither space nor time existed, a complete lightness of being.

2020-When Time Stood Stillحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن