Chapter Eight-Shamsa

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Chapter Eight


I sat down with a thud. I stared into her eyes as she evenly held my gaze. Every time a thought popped into my head; she would nod as if to confirm the truth of my thoughts. It was very annoying, to be honest. I sighed and put up my hands as if to surrender.

"Okay. So, you are one of them, like Xantheus, another messenger." There was no point fighting this and, in any case, where was this resistance coming from? Fear of the unknown? Fear that my path had already been chosen for me, not by me. As Xantheus himself had pointed out, with change comes resistance. Was this it, my real role in life, the one thing I'd unconsciously been waiting for my entire existence?

While a part of me would wholeheartedly agree to dedicating my life to something far greater and more powerful than humanity, the other side, that critical, analytical devil on my shoulder was still there jabbering away throwing doubt upon everything that was presented to me before my very eyes.

Fortunately, Ronnie appeared with the drinks before any more mind-bending truths could be revealed. His eyes lit up visibly when he saw the attractive blonde at the table. I was tickled to see a different side to Ronnie in that moment, a shyness crept over him as held out his hand, also conveniently forgetting his fears over the virus.

"Good afternoon, nice to meet you. I'm Ronnie." He blushed as he said it. Typical man, I thought to myself. So easy to wrap them round your little finger.

She smiled and stood up to shake his hand. "My name is Shamsa."

"Shamsa: The sun, in brilliance and radiance." I heard myself say. I'd never even heard that name in my life.

Of course, they were speaking through me, again.

She smiled knowingly in response. "Indeed, it is."

Ronnie seemed oblivious to the bizarre scene before him.

My head was going round in circles, what if I'm not ready for this? What if I'm possessed or have psychiatric disturbance?

"You are fine. There is nothing wrong with you Skye. This resistance is normal. It happens to most people in the beginning. It is not always easy for the humans, this transition, this preparation for ascension.

But you are much stronger than you realize. Tap into that strength, that power and use it to your advantage."

Ronnie looked at us both wide eyed. His gaze went from one to the other, looking more puzzled by the second. He scratched his head in confusion.

"So, you guys know each other? Have you lied to me Skye, and you're like MI6 or something? Hmm that would make sense, the three of us here. My military background..." He was formulating a whole new story for himself which in comparison to what was actually happening seemed far more plausible for once.

"No, Ronnie, I'm not working for any government or underground organization, not that I know of anyway. She's just like a celestial being or something, a cosmic messenger. They suddenly keep popping up and guiding me, helping to clarify my doubts and fears and protect those of us that are part of this huge cosmic shift: Basically, that's it in a nutshell."

I was poker faced as I shared this important life shattering news. I took a sip of the orange juice he'd brought over and sat back in my chair and watched his response.

Ronnie mirrored my body language, sitting back and stroking his tiny beard. We sat in introspective silence for a few moments. This guy was definitely gaining my respect more and more by the second, nothing seemed to faze him. He finally spoke.

2020-When Time Stood StillWhere stories live. Discover now