Chapter Three-Kai

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Chapter Three


"Try this. The Lebanese food is the best in the world!" He pushed a plate across the table towards me.

I laughed. "Isn't that what pretty much every person says about their own cuisine? Except for us British maybe, though I think that's a tad unfair. We have some great healthy home cooked dishes. It's not just all fish and chips and bangers and mash you know." I was suddenly struck with a flash of national pride, rather unusual for me.

He looked puzzled. "Bangers?"

"Oh! Sorry, yes, it's a colloquial expression for sausages."

"Eat, eat." He gestured again toward the dish before me. I took a mouthful and felt an explosion of flavors fill my mouth. "Wow, that is very tasty! What's it called?"

"Mujadara" He smiled proudly as if he'd made the dish himself. That national pride again. "I told you, you would like it. I'm rarely wrong." He paused, "About anything." He added with only a hint of irony.

Hmm. There's self -assurance and confidence and then there's just downright arrogance. I raised my eyebrows.

"Let's leave that one open to discussion. But in the meantime, you were definitely right about the food at least."

I took another mouthful and relaxed back in my chair. I closed my eyes, feeling the warm sun upon my face, the gentle breeze caressing my hair. An infusion of exotic scents of spices and shisha filled my nostrils and the murmur of a thousand different languages around me fascinated me. I felt deliciously lazy and at ease. For a moment, I didn't have a care in the world.

"I've spent most of my life in the Med as well as being brought up with Indian food. I think I'm going to get the best of both worlds with the Lebanese food."

I'd spent some time researching Lebanon, its history and current political situation. It looked like a fascinating country with an equally fascinating history though sadly a bloody and unstable one to match.

"You know it makes me sad. I'd love to visit your country. It looks stunning." A combination of emotions crossed his face. For a fleeting moment he looked angry. He shook his head in annoyance and despair. I immediately regretted bringing up the subject.

"I'm sorry."

He shook his head and raised his hand to put an end to my apologies. "No apologies needed. Our country is fucked, now more than ever. It makes me so angry. We get screwed from all sides, both from inside and out. I feel for my people. If it weren't for us Lebanese outside the country sending money back home, God knows what would happen." He shuddered. Then momentarily smiled once more. "I like it, that you are interested in our country. That is good." He sat back satisfied at this conclusion of events.

I'd passed the test: I liked his national cuisine, and I was genuinely interested in his country.

He motioned to the waiter and said something quickly in Arabic. "Wait till you see what's coming next" He pushed his dark hair away from his piercing green eyes and readjusted his expensive designer shades.

"We will eat some more then walk. There's something I want to show you."

I'd become used to his way of talking, almost as if everything were a command. Some of this I knew to be linguistic differences, from his native Arabic to English. The rest was his way with everyone. A leader, an extraordinarily successful businessman, both admired and feared: Used to being obeyed. This obviously did not wash with me, but I was learning to keep some of my opinions to myself, take advantage of the situation and to learn as much as possible from a highly accomplished individual. This kind of meeting was invaluable.

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