Leader Of The Pack

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It had been three months since Morro had been left with Lloyd's father and Akita to the wild and things had been settling back down in Ninjago. As soon as they had realized Morro had run away, his foster parents and Social Services had filed a missing person's report but they never found him. Lloyd, Nya, and Kai had suggested tracking Morro down and bringing him back but the others stopped them, saying it was his decision to leave.

Nobody had even mentioned his name in nearly two months.

It was just too painful. During that time Zane and the others had finally sat down with Pixel and explained everything to her. About all their powers, their history, and even the few weaknesses the teens actually knew about. She had been incredibly fascinated by all of it and was constantly asking them questions for the first two months. The others had been thrilled that they didn't have to hide these kinds of things from her, especially Zane.

Things had been awkward between him and Pixel after she had discovered their secret but thankfully they worked it out and were still together.

True to her word, Pixel had taken down her theory website and never spoke about the beast in the forest again. Cyrus Borg was relieved, thinking his daughter had finally gotten out of this faze and was focusing on other projects. Pixel had been trying her best to make things up to the others, feeling guilty about finding out their secret and thinking it was her fault Morro was gone. When Ray and Maya had found Pixel knew the truth they had wanted to take their children and flee.

It was only after days of begging and promises to keep the secret on Pixel's part did the two parents agreed to let their children stay in Ninjago.

However, they made it very clear to Pixel that if she so much as breathed a word of this to anyone there would be no place she could hide. It was currently the night of the full moon and everyone was at their respected dens for the night. There was still just under an hour before moonrise so they were still getting ready for the night. In Lloyd's house, he, his family, and Nya were getting ready for the moonrise. Uncle Wu had just finished locking the doors and windows when he entered the kitchen and smelt something strange.

"What is that smell?" He asked and the two teens tried to hold in their laughter.

"Pixel brought us a present." Lloyd snickered and pulled out a dog chew from a plastic bag.

"Dog chews?" Uncle Wu glared as he snatched the chew out of his nephew's hand.

"I'm sure she meant well, Wu." Misako smiled.

"Do you know what these are made out of?" He glared as he took a sniff of the dog chew, only for his glare to slowly fade away. "Animal hide and...marrow." He muttered in a daze.

"Time we were in the den!" Misako laughed as she grabbed the bag and Wu started nibbling on the dog chew.

"Uncle Wu!" Lloyd cried in disgust.

"It's nice." He defended and they all followed Misako downstairs to the basement. As they walked in, however, Nya suddenly cried out in pain as she was suddenly hit in the head by something. She looked up and saw what looked like a gold, homemade owl decoration hanging from the ceiling

"Another present from Pixel." Lloyd shrugged. "Apparently, it's the wise old owl of the forest keeping an eye on the werewolves and bashing them on the head!" He laughed while Nya rubbed her head, glaring at the otherwise harmless decoration. "She just wants to be part of things."

"At least we know Pixel won't betray our secret." Misako sighed. "Nothing could break that special bond between a girl and her dogs." She smiled mischievously as Nya and Lloyd gasped in horror.

Wolves Of Secrets Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon