Unfortunately, he has Debilitating Quirk Disorder, or DQD, in which his body is not compatible with his Quirk so it burns him, so Nozomi fixed that by creating a Quirk that coats his body with a protective layer of ice instead of sweat when his Quirk is activated.

He was the sibling Shouto was closest with, and he was always there for him. When their mother burned Shouto's face with boiling water, he blamed Endeavor and took Shouto and ran away. They now live with the Midoriyas and refuse to return.

“Just can I crumble him to ashes already?” whined Tenko as he flipped a card, showing a ten of hearts to Touya, who smirked triumphantly that his guess was right.

Midoriya-Shimura Tenko. Vigilante name: Shigaraki Tomura. Quirk: Decay. Whatever he touches with five fingers decays. Since he has no proper control over it, Izuku gave him a Quirk that automatically cancels it out if he presses his fingers together.

He was the grandson of All Might's mentor/predecessor, Shimura Nana. He accidentally disintegrated his parents, so he ran away and came to live with the Midoriyas. He was eventually adopted as Izuku's older brother.

“Ten-nii, I love you, but my answer is always no, because I forgive Kacchan.” Izuku sat down on the floor beside Shouto.

“Me too.” Nozomi said as she typed furiously on her laptop. “Oh no you don't---hey! Don't go there!---take that!”

Mitsuga Nozomi. Vigilante name: Hecate. Quirk: Unlimited. It has the ability to create whatever Quirk she can imagine. In present, she used this Quirk to manifest seven Quirks, namely Dark Shore, Karma, Tranquility, Flaming Red Flower, Impostor, Addamas, & Brimstone Armor.

“The same foolish hacker that's trying to get into our security thinks that this is a game between Nozomi and them.” said Tokoyami darkly.

Tokoyami Fumikage. Vigilante name: Tsukuyomi. Quirk: Dark Shadow. Grants Fumikage a shadowy, monster-like being from within his body that he can materialize and de-materialize at will. Dark Shadow effectively acts like Fumikage's personal guardian, functioning as a living appendage that follows all of its master's commands.

Nozomi's mother was a Hero, but her dad was a God-fearing lunatic. Her mother died when she was very young, and her father kept abusing her and her older sister Sumicho because he was afraid of their Quirks, so they ran away and were taken under the wings of her maternal grandfather, uncle and cousin.

She and Tokoyami are in the same middle school, and they live near the cafe. The two became best friends, but they have feelings for each other. Other people think they will become Villains in the future because they have Villainous Quirks, so they became Vigilantes to prove them wrong and to help society when the Heroes can't.

“You should try fortifying security more, Mitsuga-chan, kero,” croaked Tsuyu.

Asui Tsuyu. Vigilante name: Anura. Quirk: Frog. Basically a Quirk that gives her the physiology and attributes of a frog.

She is close friends with Uraraka, who invited her to become a Vigilante. She accepted so she can help others.

“I will do just that,” Nozomi clacked away at the keys and slammed the lid of her laptop shut carefully. “I just ditched him after fortifying security.” she affirmed.

“Coffee?” Shinsou offered her a mug. Nozomi accepted it and dunked a gingerbread cookie into it before taking a bite.

Shinsou Hitoshi. Vigilante name: Shinsou. Quirk: Brainwashing. Requires a vocal response to his words to blank a person's mind so he can control that person.

He was mistreated as an orphan because of his Quirk (of course they found it Villainous), so when Inko heard of it, she, being the all-time winner of the Best Mother award, convinced Aizawa Shouta aka the hero Eraserhead (the Vigilante kids’ favorite Hero) to adopt him. He now visits his friends often.

“Since we won't be having that bugger trying to violate security, I believe we can start the meeting,” Izuku chirped, and everyone snapped to attention.

“First off, I would like to thank Toga-chan and Jin-san for their cooperation in this mission. Thanks to them, we know the whereabouts of the Shie Hassaikai, which means we know the location of our goal.”

A round of applause went to Toga, who playfully curtsied and grinned. “I didn't like the idea of temporarily joining the ranks of those lame yakuza, but it's worth it, I guess.”

“It's totally worth it.” Izuku praised his cousin. “Next, we should also thank Mitsuga-kun for the information she leaked to us about the members of the Shie Hassaikai and the layout of the building.”

Another round of applause went to the aforementioned, who beamed. Tokoyami patted her shoulder, a proud look in his eyes.

“According to the info you got us, Mitsuga-kun, the building of Shie Hassaikai headquarters has an underground base, where they're most definitely keeping Eri.” Izuku studied the folder he had before him on the coffee table.

“Everyone has a copy of the information on the members and their Quirks.” Nozomi told her friends. “Please study them carefully, because we're going to sneak into the base to get to Eri, and we might encounter them along the way.”

“Is everyone clear with the plan?” asked Izuku.

“Distract the yakuza…” began Toga.

“Sneak into the underground base without any fighting the members as best as possible…” Tokoyami connected.

“Find Eri and Overhaul…” Shinsou supplied.

“Lure Overhaul to the police…” Tenko filled in.

“Bring Eri back to base and give Overhaul a taste of crime and punishment.” finished Shouto.

Izuku smiled. “Then the rescue operation starts tomorrow afternoon!”


Eri was frightened beyond belief.

The man Overhaul was extracting some of her blood again, and then some sirens blared in the distance. Overhaul told some guards who worked for him to guard her in the room and prevent anyone from entering.

The guards sent occasional stern glares at her as they watched the door. All Eri could do was shrink in the chair she was strapped to.

Suddenly, the room was plunged in darkness.

“What the hell's going on?!” yelled the guards. “Overhaul, this is Saturn, the lights are out and the room's pitch black. Request----urrmmf!-----”

Eri heard struggling and muffled shouts.  Now she was even more scared.

Have they come for me? What's gonna happen to me? The thoughts ran in circles in her brain.

Suddenly the shadows dissipated. Eri gasped at the sudden burst of light from the light bulb on the ceiling as the dark receded. She found the two guards lying on the floor, motionless, and a third figure standing over them.

It was a boy, older than her, wearing a slim black bodysuit under a matching hoodie, black combat boots outlined with red and with spikes on either side of the toes, a sheathed sakabatō slung over his shoulder. When he turned to face her, she shrunk back a little, intimidated by the sea-green face mask he wore, but she saw he had bright emerald eyes that held resolve and kindness.

The boy lowered his mask and approached her. “Hi, Eri,” he said in a kind voice. “My name is Midoriya Izuku, and I'm here to get you out of here.”

Bullet Of LoyaltyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora