Chapter 24. We are ready

Start from the beginning

The dwarf who had stood beside Thorin now turned towards you. He crossed his arms and examined you. 'So this is (y/n).' He walked around you, eyeing you up and down. He stopped in front of you and looked at Thorin. 'You didn't tell me she was much younger then you cousin' the dwarf stated. Thorin pulled you closer to him. 'And Thorin didn't tell me his cousin had such a lack of beard' you said. The whole room felt silent and you could feel the tension between you and Dain. At least you assumed he was Dain. Then the dwarf started laughing and placed a hand on your shoulder, earning a low grunt from Thorin. 'She might be much younger, but she is fierce. I like that!'

Thorin wasn't sure whether he liked that or not, but right now there were other things that needed attention first. 'So, what do you say, Thorin Oakenshield?' Gandalf asked from across the room. Dain's face fell. Thorin's muscles tensed. 'I think it would be a very wise idea to fight together' you said, even though no one had asked you for your opinion. The dwarves frowned and Thranduil still seemed amused with the situation. 'I mean, the orc's are not only the enemies of the dwarves, but of all races. They don't expect elves and dwarves to fight together so they will be surprised when you do. That way you will have a surprise element which they don't have anymore.' Thorin and Dain exchanged looks.

'I don't like to admit it but your lass may be right.' Thorin nodded. 'I only offer help if it is wanted. Otherwise me and my kin will return to our woods' Thranduil stated. 'It is wanted' you said before Thorin could say anything. The elf nodded. 'Very well then, we will get ready for the fight.' With that, Thranduil left the mountain. Gandalf leaned on his wand, sighing deeply. Somehow it had all turned out well. 'I will do the same. The orc's will arrive here this afternoon' Dain said and turned around. 'Gather the people who can find, prepare them for war' he said to Bard. The fisherman nodded and returned to his people. Dain left the room shortly after with Gandalf on his heels. 

'You did well' Thorin said, kissing you sweetly. You smiled. 'Sometimes a woman comes in handy.' Bilbo was standing behind you with his arms crossed behind his back. He felt like he shouldn't be here right now but leaving now would only ruïn the moment. Thorin noticed him and offered a smile. 'Bilbo?' The hobbit looked up and met the King's eyes. 'Yes, Thorin.' 'Will you watch over (y/n) when the war begins?' he asked. Bilbo's mouth dropped and he looked at you for help. 'I don't expect you to fight this war with me. You've already done more then your contract asked of you. But this is my only request. Look after my One for me while I can't' Thorin said. 'You can't ask me to stay here while you're out there' you said in a strangled voice.

Thorin rested his head against yours. 'You can't ask me to focus on the fight while I'm not sure if you are safe or not.' You were both stubborn but you knew he was right. As long as he thought you were safe, he would be able to focus on the fight. 'Promise you will return to me' you said with a broken voice. You knew very well he wouldn't return to you if he left this mountain today. Thorin, however, didn't know that. 'I will return to you my love.' 'And I will watch over her' Bilbo said. Thorin looked at him with thankful eyes. 'Thank you Bilbo. I know that she will be safe with you.' The hobbit nodded.

'I'm sorry to interrupt this moment but it's time to get ready' Balin said, walking into the room. Thorin looked hesitant to leave your side but he knew he had to defend his Kingdom. 'I will return to you' he promised one last time before he left to go to war. 


The orc's had arrived a while ago and everyone had been ready to attack. At first the orc's seemed surprised with their number but they were greatly outnumbered. You could do nothing more then pace back and forth in Thorin's old room. Bilbo was sitting on the bed, watching you as he had promised Thorin. 'We should be out there!' you said, pointing a finger towards the walls. Bilbo sighed. 'You already said that (y/n). But you promised Thorin you would stay here.' You shot the hobbit an angry look and continued pacing. The door flew open and Kim was standing in the doorway, panting. 'They are going in that way' she said. It only took you a moment to realize what she meant.

You ran out of the room, following your friend towards the gates. 'Stop!' Bilbo yelled, running after you, but you didn't listen to him. Thorin was going to his death and you couldn't let that happen. When you reached the gate Kim pointed at something in the distance and you knew what she meant. Azog was standing on top of the old fort and Thorin had spotted him. He would go up there with his nephews and they would all die. There was a pony standing close to the gates, left by the Company because they didn't need it just yet. You made your way over to it and sat on it's back. Bilbo grabbed your arm and hold on tight. 'I promised Thorin...' he started but you stopped him.

'I know Bilbo, but I can't let him die. I just can't' you said. Bilbo looked at you for a moment. Then he jumped up behind you and hold on tight. 'Let's go then. I promised Thorin I would protect you. I didn't say where I would do that.' You smiled. Marriet and Kim found two mountain goat's who were eating from some leftovers inside the mountain and both stood on either side of you. You were the first to throw yourself into battle and both girls followed you. Before Thorin had left he had given you a sword he had found in the treasury. He told you to protect yourself with it if it was necessary. It came in handy now. There were so many orc's around you and so little time to reach Thorin and his nephews in time.

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