Chapter 9. Saved or doomed?

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Just when the swinging blade was about to cut you in half, Thorin and Dwalin jumped on top of the table and grabbed the blade by it's handle. It took all of their strength to stop it but somehow they managed. Quickly Bofur and Balin cut the ropes tying your hands and feet together and you were able to roll of the table. Thorin and Dwalin let go of the swinging blade and it accured to you how close you had been to get cut in half. You started sobbing and you felt two strong arms wrapping themselves around you and pulling you close.

'It's okay my love, you're safe now' Thorin whispered in your hair. 'We can't stay here! We have to leave this bloody forest!' Dwalin yells. 'Aye, but is there a way out of here?' Balin asks. It hadn't been hard to enter this forest, but getting out wasn't that easy. Soon they would find out that you were saved and that the dwarfs were trying to escape, you couldn't linger here for much longer. 'There is no way out of here master dwarf. We're trapped' Gandalf said. Everybody looked at each other, unsure what to do. 

'That's not true. There is a way out' a soft voice spoke. When you looked up you saw Marriet standing in the doorway. 'Who are you?' Thorin asked suspiciously. 'She is a friend, Thorin' you muttered. He stroked your hair but still looked at the girl like she was his foe as well. 'Let's not waste more time then, lead the way!' Bofur said eagerly. Thorin helped you to get up and you all followed Marriet who lead the way further into the dungeons. Dwalin walked beside you with Kim close to him. You exchanged looks with your best friend and you could tell how frightened she was.

Since you had seen The Hobbit you had always wanted to explore this world; meeting all of it's wonderful creatures and exploring the great beauty of this world. But your dreams were nothing compared to the real thing. You could have been killed a few moments ago. 'Just a few more turns' Marriet whispered back at you all. Maybe this would be just fine, maybe it would all be okay in the end, you told yourself. Just a few more turns, like Marriet said, and you would be fine. But then two guards showed up in front of you, their swords drawn. 

Immediately Thorin, Fili and Dwalin jumped in front of the small company and drew their weapons. It wasn't long before both guards lay motionless on the ground. 'We must hurry, if these guards found us then there are more on their way' Thorin said. And soon after you could hear the sound of clattering metal behind you, and it was close. There were more guards coming your way and only a few of the members in your company had weapons on them. 'Hurry!' Thorin shouted. Everybody ran after Marriet and you hoped you would beat the guards to the exit.


(Thorin's P.O.V.)

I had never been so scared in my life. To see my One laying there, almost cut in half... I shouldn't think about this now. We have to run for our lives and hope that we can find a way out of this cursed castle. I'm not sure if we can trust this girl, Marriet, but she's the only one we've got right now. She may lead us straight into a trap but I'll take that chance. When the two guards appeared I knew that the Lord knew we had saved (y/n). It would only be a matter of time before there would appear more guards. 

After a few more turns we entered a great hall in the lower sections of the castle. There were three different doors; one was green, the other red and the last blue. 'Where will we go?' I asked the girl. She walked towards the wall in between the green and red door and tugged at the rug that hang there. There appeared a small passage which showed us a small river, a boat and a light at the end of the tunnel. We had found a way out, our chances of escaping seemed to be in our favor. 

But I had spoken to early. From behind us there came more guards. More then the two we had just killed in the other hallway. Dwalin, Fili, Bofur, Balin and I tried to protect the others with all our strength, but there were just too much guards. I saw Fili passing one of his swords to (y/n) so she could defend herself. At least she now had a weapon to protect herself with. I still hadn't given her one, in fear of her hurting herself on accident. She could be a bit clumsy at times, but that's why I loved her. 

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