Author's Note ~ Second hint

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The first hint to my next book was in the last author's note. In this one you can find the second one. 

I hope you are all still enjoying the book, because I'm having a great time writing it. I think I will be able to finish the whole book today or somewhere tomorrow. But I don't promise anything!

I want to take this chance to thank you all for your amazing support and for all your nice comments! It really helped to keep writing this book and I have to say I have never been so close to ending a book. Normally I would stop after the first few chapters because I can't see the story in my head anymore, but with you all cheering me on I always knew where the story was going.

I'm still having a hard time to understand people actually like my writing. And when you say you like my writing style I honestly have no clue what you are talking about xD But it is highly appreciated! ^^ The first book I published on this account was Two Brothers and The Hobbit Imagines. When I started this book I never thought it would have as many reads as it has today.

As some of you may know the first chapters of this book were already published in The Hobbit Imagines. And now, thanks to you, it has become a book! A book which has earned 5,6 k reads so far! With 243 votes! And a lot of lovely comments! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and for your love for our King under the Mountain!

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