Chapter 2. The wrong climb

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The evening came and the morning soon followed. The sun hadn't risen yet when you were already on your way. When you had watched the movie you thought that this was a great life for you; waking up early, barely eating, traveling with Thorin Oakenshield and riding your pony. But the real life wasn't that much fun and appealing as it had looked like. At least you were sure that this wasn't a dream or a prank.

A prank lasting this long was just unthinkable and a dream wouldn't have this many details, you thought. You didn't know how and you weren't sure why, but somehow you and Kim had landed in Middle-Earth. Your look turned sour when you watched Kim riding her pony near the front of the line, just behind Thorin. He had asked her to join the front today instead of the middle of the company. Kim had shrugged and agreed to ride in front of the line.

Then Thorin had turned to you and you expected him to ask you to do the same, but instead he asked you to ride in the middle. So now you were riding in the middle, with Bilbo next to you, and Dwalin and Bofur surrounding the two of you. Frankly you were mad and angry with Kim. She knew that you had a crush on Thorin, even though you didn't at this particular moment because he was cruel to you, but still. You sighed and Bilbo noticed.

'What's wrong (y/n)? It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining and we even had breakfast this morning!' the hobbit said excitedly. You smiled at him, somehow Bilbo knew how to make you smile, even after just knowing one another for two/three days. 'I know Bilbo, it's just... nothing.' But Bilbo didn't look convinced and looked worried at you. Your eyes had already wandered off to the front of the line. Why did he want Kim to ride in the front? Was there something wrong with you? Why didn't he pick you?

Bilbo followed your eyes and he understood what was going on. He and Myrtle got a little closer to you and he whispered: 'Does it have anything to do with Thorin?' You blushed and tried to hide it, but the hobbit had already noticed. He laughed and put his tiny hand on your arm. 'You know, I think you shouldn't let yourself be bothered by him like that. Of course I find it hard to deal with him either. But who would like to be looked at like you were some useless pile of rubbish? No one I think.

But you know what? I think you are a nice lass, and a pretty one for that matter, don't let him make you feel bad. If he does, just tell me, then I'll show him how we treat those kind of man in the Shire' Bilbo got a determined look on his face. He may be a small man but he wasn't afraid to stand up for his friends and women who he just met. You chuckled, you just couldn't help it. 'Thank you Bilbo. I appreciate it.' He smiled back at you and shot daggers in Thorin's back when he looked at him.

Maybe he felt them because soon after, Thorin turned around and met Bilbo's eyes. The hobbit wouldn't break the stare, making sure that the King under the Mountain knew how he felt. Apparantly Thorin wasn't to impressed with it and turned away. '(Y/N)? May I ask you something?' Bofur asked. You turned your head to see the dwarf next to you, a smile dancing on his lips. 'You may, master dwarf.' You just simply loved to say that.

'What are the courting rituals in your world?' he asked. Bilbo made a huffing noise next to you, but you ignored it. 'Why would you like to know? If you wish to court me you can just tell me' you joked teasingly. 'No, lass, I'm sorry, though ya'r really pretty. I was just wondering what the courting customs in your world are. It seems like our worlds are so different from each other.' You nodded. 'Indeed they are.'

In you world there wouldn't be orc's hunting dwarf packs nor fire-breathing dragons occupying mountains. 'In my world we don't court. I mean, we have dates with other people, but it's different from courting.' 'What's the difference?' Bofur asked. You thought about this for a moment before answering. 'Well, when you're courting you try to find out if the other person would be a good spouse right? You court someone because you would like to marry them?'

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