of home and welcomes

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tiptoe around me,
the smallest sound can break me


I was panting hard as I ran across the territory. I could sense that the pack guards must be after me now after having noticed that I broke into their barrier, but I didn't really care.

I craved interaction with people I actually know.

It didn't take long enough when I distinguished Cassian's scent drawing nearer and nearer and I stood still to wait for him.

Happiness won me and as I watched him from afar, I breathed deeply, relieved. I could also see that he was surprised at the sight of me, but then he looked just as relieved as I was.

"Is that really you?" he asked when he stopped in front of me and pulled me in for a hug. My lips also reached my ears at the sight of my sibling.

The guards that came along with him had confused looks, but seeing that Cassian was simply hugging me, they let their weapons down.

"I missed you all so much." I confessed, still new with this thing they call honesty.

He pulled away and now, he had a scowling face.

"Why would you go away all of a sudden like that and not taking anyone with you? Did you know how worried we were?" he started scolding me. I think it's my first time ever getting scolded by anyone, but I guess I didn't really mind.

I needed it.

"Mom was sick of worrying and even grandma! And Chase--" he stopped when he said my mate's name. He probably sensed that it would become too much of an emotional topic. Instead, my brother just sighed. "Anyways, let's get you cleaned up. You're a mess." he said.

I looked down on myself for the first time after around two weeks after I woke up at the bank of an unknown river. I was still wearing the same white dress that the moon goddess so kindly clothed me in.

However, it wasn't white anymore. It was much dirty than white.

"Let's go."

I saw his eyes momentarily change colours and I knew that that indicated that he was mind linking with someone from his pack as we walked side by side.

I felt a lot comforted knowing that in a way or another, I was safe and I was in a place I could call home although I've only been here for a short while.

"I'm sorry for coming so suddenly like this." I started, I knew that it probably was already a bother to him especially that he was an Alpha.

I heard him sigh and I immediately felt like I said something that I shouldn't have. Did I say anything wrong?

"You don't have to apologize for anything, Maddie. You are always welcome here, this is your home."

Hearing that made me feel somewhat guilty so I simply nodded again and followed him.

"So were you able to avenge your friend?" Cassian asked out of the blue. Chase must've told him.

I shook my head defeatedly. "No, I wasn't, in fact it almost cost my life."

"What?! Are you okay now? What really happened Maddie?" he bombarded me with his questions.

I took a deep breath before explaining him everything that happened from the beginning.

Of who Finn was, who he was in my life and why he so wanted me to be on his side. I further explained his possible connection with the Strays.

"So you mean to tell me that you went into the lair of the Strays and managed to get out of it alive?"

The way he worded it made me laugh. "Well, I don't think I would've been able to make my way out of it alive if it were not also for the help of the moon goddess."

"Anyhow, I'm proud that you were able to overcome all that, but that worries me even more. Next time, you have us alright? And you even forgot about your mate, Chase looked like he was really hurt."

I looked away, I didn't want to hear of how much I hurt Chase because I could imagine it myself. I wasn't ready to face it.

"How has he been?" I asked despite my brain telling me not to ask.

"Well, Chase is Chase. I suggest you have a good, long talk with him. And regarding this Finn that you were talking about, I will definitely look into that." he said.

As we talked, we arrived at the main pack and I could see my family waiting from afar. At the sight of us, they ran towards us and gave me a tight embrace that I really needed after being alone for almost a month.

My mother was crying and my father looked mighty relieved that I was there with them.

They had asked me tons of questions which I wished I could've answered at once, but we all collectively decided that I needed to take a bath and change first.

The ladies, which consisted of my mother, my grandma and my little sister Megan, all led me to the pack house as it was the closest and readied everything for me. They helped me with everything and I couldn't be any more thankful for that.

Before I even knew it, I was dressed in a green emerald dress that matched my eyes, my red hair braided with black shoes.

"Aren't you the prettiest?" my mother said as she held my shoulders behind me. I stared at the mirror and looked back to her and saw the undeniable resemblance between the two of us.

"Thank you, but I can't stay long. I have to return south." I informed her. The corners of her eyes dropped, disappointed.

"Well, that's alright. But I will have someone accompany you even if it has to be your brother." she was firm on this, I guess she didn't want me disappearing into thin air like I always did.

"I'm so sorry for the trouble."

She sighed before continuing. "I don't know the life you've lived until now and I cannot even imagine it. And I'm sure you've heard this from others before, but we're here for you." she said gently and kissed the top of my head.

That made me feel really warm inside because I could feel their care and concern gushing out of their hearts. And I didn't want to push it away too.

This time, I will return to Chase and even if he didn't want me anymore, I will stay with him.

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