The long-awaited family dinner pt 2

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Y/n's point of view

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.

The time was going by, and the stares exchanging between my mother and Taehyung never seems to end.

"Tae.. stop it."

I spoke to him, quietly and he looked at me. I sighed, relieved that he has listened to me- nevermind, he went on staring at my mother's angry eyes again.

"Will you both stop staring and eat the dessert? It's already melting. Ugh!"

Areum said as she shook her head and ate the ice cream. They both nodded and ate the dessert.

"So, anyone up for my jokes?"

We all groaned, but Taehyung nodded, wanting to know his jokes.

"How do you say "don't fart" in English?"


"Don't gas!"

He started laughing, which sounds like a windshield wiping sound. Mother sighed, rubbing her temples, definitely questioning why she has born us, while Areum groaned out of annoyance and slammed her head against the table. Taehyung looked unimpressed, and he made a disgusting face at Jin oppa.

"You know why I keep making these puns?"


I said, wanting to know because he always failed, telling these jokes out of nowhere. I was once showering and scratching my head when he opened the door and said, "You know how cows laugh? MOOHAHAHA" I slapped him with the bottle of my shampoo, and yes, the scar is still there :D

"Because it's my respunsibility."

He started laughing again, and I sighed out of tiredness. How can I kill someone without actually killing someone but using weapons yet without using weapons at the same time?

"Stop making these jokes, Seokjin. You might be wondering why I called you all today."

Mother said, going serious, making all of our hairs stood hearing her husky yet scary voice. I would pee just hearing her says "Hi" to me when I was young, but let's not go there.

"I'm going to decide the heir of the Han."


"Why so soon, mother? I thought it would be next year."

Areum spoke out, sounding surprised. And why wouldn't they tell me that? I had no idea-

"All of the other families have decided. Only the Han left. It would have been so much better with your dad here with us, but unfortunately."

We all looked down and sighed.

"Don't forget about the murderer."

Areum said, glaring at me, holding her fork.

"Hey, hey, how many times should I say it's not her fault, Areum?"

Jin spoke out with annoyance and angriness in his voice.

"But she was there when our father died!"

She shouted, and mother holds out her hand, making her shut her mouth. Jin looked at me, confused with his brows together, making him look like an angry bird. You see, our father passed away because of a heart attack out of nowhere. Rest in peace, father. I was there with him when all that happened. Everyone suspected me and thought I killed him because I want to be the heir. Jin had his dreams of becoming an actor, but he decided to be a detective because of me, as he wants to save me from the hell I was going through. He investigated everything, and finally found the murderer and have put him in jail but he didn't tell anyone about it except me. He thought it would be useless but, what he doesn't know is, people, keep suspecting and sucking the life out of me with that statement. I didn't want to trouble anyone but guess I have to say everything to him, judging from the way he's glaring at me.

"So, come back again next week, this time. We will have a discussion of who will be the heir."

Us three exchange glares but I quickly looked away. Of course, mother would choose between them. Why would she choose the one she disowned? *chuckles*

"We will go now."

Taehyung stood up and held my arm, making me stand up with him.

Badum, badum, badum, badum.

My heart started beating fast. Ok, what is wrong with me? Why am I feeling like this? Why didn't I feel these with Yoongi? Wait... me having a crush on Yoongi.... is fake? I didn't have a crush on Yoongi?  Was it because..., I was desperately in need of a partner?

I looked at Taehyung, who was smiling at me. My face turned red and I glanced away from him. Mother nodded and smiled at me. Wait a second *get glasses* Did I see it right, or was it just my imagination? SHE REALLY SMILED AT ME!!! OH MY GOD!!! SHE SMILED AT ME. I REPEAT SHE SMILED AT ME. CHUNCXOMWOIXCHOUNODNCOFHVJDMOWMXIH!!!!

"And this is where we will go now."

Taehyung bowed at her while I was busy panicking. He should help me, but he chose to pay respect to my mom. Should I say I'm feeling butterflies because of his action to my mom, or should I say I'm PISSED AT HIM FOR NOT CALMING ME DOWN!

Jin's point of view

Taehyung dragged Y/n out of the house, who looked like she's going to burst out like dynamite (wO-oH). Mother side-eyed me, and I smirked.

"Areum, I suggest you leave now. Seokjin and I have to talk about something."

Mother said, and Areum bowed at her, walking out of the house, with her long hair. Why do girls like to keep their hair down? Don't they feel hot? How do they eat food when their hair is all over the place? mEh, not my problem \(-_-)/ but they are interesting creatures- (yOU DID NOT JUST CALL US WOMEN CREATURES. YOU SON OF A DONKEY SEAWEED LOOKING ASSWIPING TOILET PAPER!) I was complimenting them- (Now I know why you are still single. You suck at flirting) Like you *winks* (*pokes his eyes* Sorry not sorry) YAH! MY PRECIOUS HEAVENLY-MADE EYES!

"Stop fighting with the Author, you big baby."

Mother said, sipping her tea. Did she just call me big baby- (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BIG BABY, BIG BABY, BIG BABY!!!) I want to die :D (I will come with you. Soo, which place-)

"No one is suiciding themselves."


"Instead, I will murder you both if you won't do your work properly *cue horror movie psycho girl with a mole on her chin on the right side holding a fork*."

(Bye! *yeet herself out of the place) Finally.

"Good *put the fork back on the table, elegantly* Seokjin."

She looked at me seriously.

"Yes, mother?"

"Should I

forgive Y/n?"

(CLIFF HANGERRRRRRRR!!!! sO, what do you guys think Mother should do? Forgive Y/n or keep hating her?

Author's sister: *quietly* First hate than forgiving.

You know I can hear you?

Author's sister: Oops-


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