His brother's detail

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Y/n's point of view

We were all sitting in a circle, discussing how to find Taehyung's brother, Jungkook, when I got an idea.

"To find his brother, we should go to the police-"

Yoongi glared at me, and I shut my mouth.

"You think the police would help? They are just a piece of government toys. They don't help people at all. Don't even speak that word, or I will fire you."

Oops- I guess I got on his nerves with that word. I don't know why he hates police so much. Does it have something to do with his past?

"Koo, kookie kookie kook."

Taehyung told Yoongi, and he looked confused. He turned to me and asked.

"Is your brother, detective?"


"H-How did you know?"

He pointed at Taehyung, who was munching on a hamburger and crying at the same time. What is wrong with this Alien kid?

"He told me that he felt waves from your brother, which looks like a detective."

I glanced at Taehyung, and he was already looking at me.

"What waves are you talking about?"

He gulped down the piece of hamburger in his mouth and drank coffee from Yoongi's cup.


He slapped Taehyung's head, and Taehyung looked at him, who looks like he's about to cry.

"Go on and cry."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen to get more coffee. WHY ARE THEY TREATING MY HOUSE LIKE THIS? It doesn't deserve it. Oh, I should ask him that question.

"Taehyung, don't even move from this place. If you do then, say bye-bye to all of your hamburgers."

His eyes became teary, and he pouted. Are there any days where he wouldn't get cute? I sighed and walked to the kitchen and saw Yoongi leaning against the window, drinking coffee.

"U-Um, Yoongi. I have something to ask you."

He hummed. I took a deep breath and said

"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

He spitted out his coffee and looked at me, astonished.


My eyes widened, and I quickly waved both of my hands at him, telling no.

"I-It's ok! I already know you don't like me, and I'm not in my mind right now. Pfft, Silly me. Hahahahaha. The coffee-"

"I will think about it."


He came close to me, and I forgot how to breathe. He ruffled my hair and said

"Don't take this week off lightly, Y/n. There are many things to learn and observes. You will find some extraordinary. Oh! I was thinking about this. Can we ask your brother to investigate to find Jungkook?"

"It's been long since he stopped working as a detective, but we can give it a shot."

"Let's go there now."

He smiled, and I nodded.

Inside Jin's house

"Thanks for the tea, Jin oppa."

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