[chapter: 35] Home

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A/N: Hi everyone! This may be my final goodbye. I don't have any stories left for this book. If you want more marvel stories by me I have a Peter Parker story. In the future I may write another one shot book if inspiration strikes again. But I do have a quick shoutout:

@stweegie has an amazing story that I've been reading like crazy. Lately their story hasn't gotten the reach I believe it deserves so I wanted to mention it. It is a stranger things fic. About Y/n being friends and family with the cast. Along with a Noah Schnapp x reader. 

"Guys we need to leave!" Steve yells over the comms.

"On my way!"

"Roger that." A few of us stifle a laugh at Tony's comment.

"Not now Tony! Everyone to the jet!"

We all come sprinting back from the base, HYDRA hot on our tail. Clint and Nat run with me and onto the jet. Everyone rushes in shortly after and we close the door off from the agents.

"They'll be following us back and we need to go somewhere else. The tower's not an option and neither is Clint's."

"Well most of us live at the tower so-"

"Y/n didn't you say you still owned your old place?" Clint interrupts Steve's lecture.

"Yeah bu-" I start.

"We'll go there then," Natasha interrupts as well. They all relax slightly. "What's the address?"

"Guys I'm not sure. I mean I have the room for you all-" They all give me the look-"Fine, but you guys can come but you will need to wait outside when we get there. I need to fix something before you all just walk in."

"Fine with me, thanks N/n." Steve smiles my way. I huff a breath out in frustration. They didn't even let me argue. It's not like I can explain without giving myself away.

It's not like I'm with HYDRA but there's' things I can't let them know. Like my family. We all have trauma. It's part of the job and maybe even a reason some choose to stay. Steve can't go on without it. Natasha- well it's all she's ever known. Stark is trying to fix his mistakes and me. Well I'm fixing something that killed a part of me.

We arrived shortly after. We all unload ourselves and begin our trek there. As we head there I tell them. Not about my family, I'll somehow hide that. But the arrangements. Where people can sleep and such.

"I have two guest bedrooms with large enough beds for two to fit. The couch is an option, same with the pullout bed in the office. You guys can choose where you want to stay. I'll be in my room of course."

"Why such a big place? You lived there by yourself right?"

"I am not talking about my past, Stark. Not now and not ever if I so please," My tone was very much threatening, even scaring Natasha a bit from the looks of it. Probably because I'm usually not one to lash at them, speak rudely and such. I'm a mediator, passive and agreeable.

"Okay then!" He puts his hands up in surrender. The others remain silent at the moment.

"We're here. Wait here for a second. I need to take care of something." I rush inside and look for all the old toys and pictures of them. I go upstairs and stick them all in my bedroom closet. I hold the last frame close to my chest. Silent tears begin to run down slightly. I rub them away and rush back slightly out of breath.

"Okay," I exhale in a long breath, "Now we can head in. And don't go in my room nor the one next to it, understand?" They all nod, complying. "You'll know what's good for you." I say without looking at any of them.

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