[chapter: 30]Frost Giant

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Loki told no one of his sister. His biological sister, Y/n. She too was cast out, for being born a woman and partially defective. And somehow she landed on Earth after some years. Not too long after Loki had discovered his true origins had he found her. He decided it was best to keep her secret. Mostly due to safety issues caused by the fact the avengers were still spiteful of him and his attack.

Which leads to where he was now, sitting with his sister who was humming along to his stories. Now that he had joined Thor on midgard he had the chance to see Y/n quite often. He enjoyed midgard greatly however he acted as if he hated it in front of the avengers, the safety rules still applied he had always said. He would pretend like Thor forced him into staying at the tower they called home.

"I must be off now, it's getting quite late though. I would feel more comfortable escorting you home, sister." The sky had deepend into a darker shade of blue, not quite night but not quite day.

"It's fine Loki, don't worry about it. My apartment is close by and I can text you the moment I walk through the front door."

"If you're so adamant on it, I suppose. Remember to be safe, lock the doors and such," Loki addressed her yet again. Giving into her compromise. They went their separate ways after a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Loki, love you."

"Farewell, I'll see you tomorrow."

Loki arrived at the tower rather quickly by using his magic. He stepped out of the elevator and walked into the living room. Where the team had sat themselves. He glanced at his phone as midgardians would call it. Checking for any messages from Y/n. He calms himself slightly. Telling himself she forgot as per usual or it died. Which happened more than one would think.

10 minutes or so pass, he decides to check his phone once more. A feeling in his stomach grew, like a pit of worry and adrenaline. Instinct. He stood up, following his gut instincts to check on Y/n. Storming past the avengers he made his way towards the elevator.

"Brother? Where are you going?"

"Nothing for you to worry about."

"But have you not just gotten back from your daily outing? Why are you heading out so suddenly?"

"Stop prying! I'll be back soon, hopefully."

The elevator arrives and Loki gets in. Thor stands still for a moment before deciding to follow his younger brother, who knows what he's up to. The team joins as well. Some grab their weapons, just in case. As well as protection from who knows what.

"Why are you so concerned?" Clint asks Thor.

"He's worried, frightened. I could see it for myself."

"You sure big guy?" Tony chimed in.

"I've grown up with my brother for years longer than a midgardian can live. I know him well." They manage to follow him towards a more apartment filled neighborhood. Nothing else was located here besides homes on top of other homes. Loki turns towards a home whose door is wide open. They can hear him yell inside.

"Y/n? Y/n, are you here? Please!" They move in closer and peak inside to find him searching. For what? They didn't know. He moves into another room they can't see from where they stood. "Y/n!" He yells louder.

They walked inside, quietly, slowly. Thor could see his brother from where he stood. Loki sat on the floor of the bathroom holding someone close to his chest and neck. Thor kept the team back as he watched Loki perform a healing spell over the woman. The mysterious woman he had never seen or heard of before.

"Y/n?" Loki's voice rang out in a soft manner.

"Hi," she responded in a soft and weakened voice.

"Come now, we should get you some food and rest. You took a nice little fall. Worried me to death," Loki held her face against his own hand. He picked her up against her protests. They exited the room to see the avengers. Standing in a strangers apartment.

"Why are you here?"

"You disappeared, we followed," Thor responded eagerly.

"You didn't answer my question. Why are you here?" He repeated.

"I got a sense that you were worried, perhaps frightened."

"You have no right to be here."

"And you have no right to keep secrets from me, your own brother."

"I am not your brother, Thor." A scowl had taken form on Loki's face, his eyes had an angry fire hidden behind the green of his eyes.

"Then explain who this maiden is to you." Loki hesitated, glancing at her before setting her down on the couch and turning back to his brother.

"Her name is Y/n. That's all you need to know."

"She could be with HYDRA for all we know, or any other organization that's trying to take over the world!" Steve voiced his opinion which most of the team agreed with.

"Can I not care for my own-"

"Look reindeer games, we get why you kept your girlfriend a secret-"

"Bleh, that's plain gross!" Y/n yelled out the same moment Loki let out a disgusted groan. "We're siblings!"

"A sister?" Thor asked.

"Not yours Thor, she too is a frost giant. Expelled from our home realm."

"Frosty has a sibling?" Tony asked- rhetorically.

"Have I not just said so a moment ago? Look, you know who she is now, you should leave."

"Does that mean she has weird abilities too?" Clint interrupted.

"You're not leaving anytime soon, are you?" Loki muttered to himself. He walked to the couch and sat next to Y/n. He laid her legs on his lap as she took up the rest of the couch. "Fine, she too can create illusions, strength and is immortal like me."

"How come she doesn't look like-?" Thor was quickly cut off.

"Same reason as I. Are all of your questions answered now?" Everyone stayed quiet before Loki pointed to the door for them to leave. They started walking out and when Loki felt they were unable to hear them he spoke again. "You can't scare me like that, I need you in my life, I've no way of living without you. You know that?"

"I know Loki, I love you too."

But what he failed to remember is that some teammates had better hearing than most. Steve turned slightly before quietly whispering to the others of the conversation.

"Who would've known, frosty warmed up to someone, finally."

A/n: HEY BITCHES IM BACK!! I've had a few drafts to post so these might be the last ones however I really liked this concept so I might make a second part to this. Where Y/n meets the avengers again. Thanks for reading and Peace out Girl Scouts!


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