[chapter: 8] Jealous

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Steve x reader:

"Hey, L/n!" A fellow agent and sorta friend calls out. We've spent a little time together before I became an avenger. Since then she's been a little cold towards me. She still keeps me as close to her as possible, reasons? Keep friends close and enemies closer. Or maybe I have something she wants to gain.

"Hey. I haven't seen you in a while, guess we've both been busy" I try to laugh off before I turn to see a giddy and cheerful Zara, "Why are you so happy?"

"There was a guy I bumped into yesterday when I was getting back from a briefing. And- he is so handsome. His name is Steve, I think he's into me. I'm going to try to find him so I can ask him on a date. He can't say no." I tilt my head at the name, hopefully it isn't my Steve. It's a common name anyway, right?

"Well no one can hide from you, you'll find him soon enough." I return to my coffee, making my usual. I attempt to ignore the fact she's still here.

"And there he is," She whispers as she nods her head toward the guy behind me. I take a moment before I look. Sipping my coffee I see, my boyfriend. I haven't ever mentioned him before, I'm scared to be honest. She gets what she wants most of the time, she's a determined person. I want to keep him away from her. Before I can even warn her she runs off. I stay where I am. Unsure of what to do. I can kinda hear what they're saying.

"I'm sorry but I got a girlfriend. I actually see her right now," He smiles at me which I return. I can see on her face that she isn't too happy with the answer.

"Well what if I change that?"

"Well I doubt that," He tries to shoo her off.

"Why's that? I'm certainly better."

I find myself finding the confidence needed to bring myself over. My feet pick themselves up and move towards the two, it's like an autopilot. I approach the two of them, keeping my eyes away from Zara and towards my boyfriend.

"Agent Larson." I bring out the formalities,"I don't think I've ever introduced the two of you. This is Steve Rodgers, my boyfriend of over a year. You probably know him as Captain America though."

"O-oh." Was the only thing she could get out of her mouth before she awkwardly left. Steve wrapped an arm around my waist as she did, pressing a light peck below my temple.

"Were you jealous, doll?"

"Maybe, but I have good reason to."

"Uh huh. Why's that?" He tempted me as he held me in both arms.

"If you can't tell by her demeanor she's... she gets what she wants, she gets the glory, the-"

"I think I understand perfectly. Now how about we go back to the tower and enjoy our free time together? Okay doll?"

"Okay Captain." He leads the two of us out, his arm attached to my waist, eyes on me, even if it causes him to bump into something every five minutes. He's mine and I'm his. And the world sits still.

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