[chapter: 23] She's Y/n

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The avengers and co. were forced into a mission debriefing which most of them avoided like the plague. They couldn't escape this time so they were stuck as if they were glued to the chairs. The group consisted of the original six, Spiderman, Vision, Wanda and Bucky. They were all bored out of their minds- including Steve- when a sudden song rang out from a certain someone's phone.

"Dancing in the moonlight! Everybodys feeling warm and bright!" Peter quickly picked his phone up.

"Uh sorry, it's silent for everyone except this person. I'm going to take this," He got up to leave the room.

"Nuh uh, I wanna hear this." Tony sat him back down and pressed the speaker for Peter.

"Babe?" A feminine voice rang out which got everyone smirking at the young man.

"Yeah Y/n? Is something wrong?"

"You know how you clean yourself up when you go spoodermanning right? Like wounds and stuff...?" She stuttered slightly.

"Did you hurt yourself? I'm coming right now, don't move!"

"No, I'm resupplying some first aid stuff, just in case. What do you use for stitches?" The room quietly awed at the thought as Peter chuckled a response.

"You know I can go to the medbay right?"

"Yeah but, I worry. I know what you'll say "don't worry 'bout me" but I can't help it. This just helps me stop worrying too much."He quickly told her his backup for when he couldn't get to the tower.

"I gotta go but I'll see ya later for our study date, love you." The team was even more shocked at the words Peter spoke. Peter in turn blushed furiously.

"I love you too." You could hear her smile. He shut off the phone and set it aside. Before they could even start interrogating him Fury left.

"I'm not even gonna try stopping you, it's pointless. We'll resume this at a later time." Tony for once was thankful for Fury as he was the first question who this Y/n is.

"How'd ya meet?"

"First date?"

"How long"

"First kiss?"

"What does she look like?"

"We need to meet her!"

"She knows about spiderman, when did she find out?"

"Is she nice to you?"

"What's she like?"

"School. Rooftop. 6 months. Rooftop. Pretty. You will. Yes. A month ago. Yes-" Peter cut himself off as he thought about Y/n. How she could ramble like him about her passions. How she couldn't comprehend a lot of science stuff but still enjoyed listening to him go on about nanotech, vibranium, gamma radiation, etc. "She's amazing. She takes care of people, that's who she is. She's a bit of a bookworm. She doesn't understand a lot of the science-y things I talk about but she's willing to learn. She's witty and even though she's a lover over fighter she can stand her ground in a fight. She puts up with me when I'm at my worst and is there to comfort me when I need it. She's Y/n."

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