[chapter: 25]Anxiety At The Venue 1/2

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"Come on Y/n, just calm down. Stop trying to be trendy, okay. I get anxious too," Mara whines, grasping at my wrist and dragging me out of the apartment. "Apparently this place is right across another venue. Where Tony Stark is throwing a party! You're not gonna make me miss my chance at getting with a celeb or rich guy!" She sits me down on my bed before throwing one of her dresses at me. "You can borrow this!"

"Can't I wear what I am already wearing?"

"No! You'll be underdressing if you don't!" I get up and change into the dress. It was a sparkly champagne slip on. It reached about mid thigh. I tried pulling it down and up, just trying to cover up a bit. Though each tug only did the opposite.

"Come on,I'll do your makeup in the car, only essentials." She dragged me out as we hopped into the taxi. She grabbed a nude lipstick from her purse. A bit of concealer to cover up any imperfections. "There's quite a few imperfections, just sit still okay."

Soon enough she was done and we arrived at the large venue. Sarah must have used her parents money to get this place. There was a line outside, consisting of about 20-ish people. Just the sight of it made my breathing change from a steady beat to the speed of a race car. I fidgeted with my hands slightly, Mara catching on quickly.

"If you're gonna do this here, right now then either you can go home or meet me inside." She walked in, cutting through the line. With no trouble. I walked away, trying to calm myself away from an anxiety attack. I find a somewhat empty area. I struggle to find my breath. A pang of hurt rings though my chest as I try to stay standing. I look around for a familiar face but they're all blurry. Tears brim my eyes and I let them loose as they start falling down my face.

"Hey are you okay?" A voice above me asks, I don't even remember falling to the ground. I shake my head furiously.

"Hey it's okay now, breathe with me okay. In... Out. In... Out. Good job. One more okay. In... Out..." I do as the voice says, I wipe the tears from my eyes as my vision clears and I try to stand back up. The stranger helping me.

"I- thank you," I say before seeing the kind stranger. That's Tony Stark. "O-oh, you're-"

"Tony Stark, and you are?"

"Y/n L/n, sorry I bothered you," I sulked my head down, trying to not look him the eyes out of embarrassment.

"You didn't, why don't you come with me. I'll grab you a water and you can clean yourself up a bit." I hesitate before nodding slowly. He guides me across the street to the venue he's using. I could feel some stares from the back of my head.

"Don't worry about anyone looking. They're probably jealous." I chuckle softly, someone, jealous of me. That's a joke. "You disagree?"

"No it's just-nothing."

"No, I want to hear this."

"Someone being jealous of me has the same probability as hell freezing over for the day."

"Well I doubt that, you're a very beautiful woman."

"Thank you again, Mr. Sta-"


"Tony," I smile back. Before we find ourselves inside the venue and enjoy the others company. 

AVENGERS ONESHOTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora