[chapter: 32] Dead

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A/N: Hey, this is a short one, and it's kind of old but I still want to publish it. I won't be publishing too often- schoolwork is about to consume me and I don't have too many drafts left to post. 


For once everything was right. I had my life in control. I was an avenger, yes at age 16 but nonetheless I'm a fucking avenger. I have amazing friends and family. I have good grades and the future looks bright. I look around the living room, surrounded by the avengers. It was game night so everyone was stuck in the living room. Whether they liked it or not. I of course enjoyed it. I was cuddled up in the corner of the couch. Peter on my left and Wanda on my right. We were currently playing uno and I was losing badly.

My phone started ringing which happened very rarely due to the fact I only text unless I'm driving or superhero-ing. I don't drive and no one calls when I'm superhero-ing. I pick it up and walk out of the room to the kitchen. Privacy.

"Y/n? Sweetie?" My Aunt asks through the phone. Her voice was gentle and slightly nasal from what seems to be crying.

"Yeah Auntie Emma? What's wrong?"

"Sweetie your mom-" She broke into a loud sob, "Sweetie she died."

"What! No, no no.. This can't be happening!" I shouted out, My legs buckled from underneath me as I crumbled to the floor. "No, no. It can't.." I turned the call off and stayed on the floor. I pushed myself off my knees and sat on top of my leg. My other leg pressed against my chest with one arm hugging it close. Like a lifeline.

"Y/n! We heard yelling!" The team yelled as they sprinted into the kitchen. Surveying the scene to only find me on the ground. Balling my eyes out.

"What happened?" Wanda asked as she bent down to my level.

"My mom she-'' I couldn't finish my sentence as tears flowed down my face like niagra falls. She pulled me towards her. "She died. A-and I don- don't have any, anywhere to t-to go. I don't want to be in a-an orphanage. Or fost-foster home. I just want her back!" I sobbed into her shoulders as she held me close. She rubbed my back and cradled me in her arms. Soothing me.

"I'm so sorry N/n."

"I-I don't have anywhere to go."

"Yes you do." Another voice pops out, Tony. "You're staying here whether you like it or not. You practically live here anyway." I nodded slowly. Taking deep breaths and trying to calm down.

"Who would be the official guardian though?" Natasha questioned.

"Lets deal with paperwork later," Tony pushed the subject of paperwork away. Helping me to my feet and escorting me to my bedroom. The night consisted of mostly sobbing but soon enough I fell asleep after a draining night.

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