Chapter 6: New Friends

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Teal finished her food quickly then started organizing things as she thought. After awhile she found herself so frustrated that she started talking it out to no one in particular. "My people caved, Xerus's didn't... they hid. But..." she sighed and slammed the book back into the box.

"But what?"

Teal whipped around to see a petite redhead with brilliant silvery white eyes and tribal marks across her right forearm in a diagonal pattern from her elbow to her wrist. It looked like it represented the elements, earth, air, fire, water, plant, animal & spirit. "Who are you?" She took a calming breath

"My name is Nyala." She smiled nervously. "You said your people caved, Xerus's didn't... they hid. But.." she smiled "so I wanted to know what you meant."

"Well, I was one of just a few dozen people who actually fought the invasion in our town." My family all caved, they abandoned everything we worked hard for, our freedoms and..." she sighed "I'm the only one in my family that tried to fight it."

Nyala smiled at her pleasantly "so you're a fighter, that makes sense."

"But your people just hid" she questioned

"No, not hid" she smiled slyly "regrouped..." she walked over to one of the crates and started to help Teal unpack. "It's easier to fight the enemy when they don't know you're a threat and they themselves bring you back to their base." She looked around her at the building and laughed "you really think this building can honestly hold us."

Teal laughed "okay, I'm impressed."

Nyala smiled "thank you" she fidgeted with the book she had pulled out "so tell me, do you have a boyfriend?"

"No," she rolled her eyes "the last time I had a boyfriend was before the war. I was young and naive, I allowed someone to think they had more say over my life then I do." She laughed at the irony "now look at me."

"You're better off in here, they will treat you like a goddess because of Xerus."

"Yeah, so tell me about your people, what is your... relationship stuff all like... I mean" she sighed.

"It's okay, I known what you mean." She smiled "well, we are a matriarchal society. Then men have the task of security basically but they answer to us." She smiled like she was remembering something pleasant "our women are smarter, with a quicker reflex than the males." She raised her eyebrows "the men are just quick to anger... unless you leave them with the kids, they are better parents, our young require a firm hand that is excellent at having a good time."

"So do you have a boyfriend?" Teal smiled

"No, before the war there were two males for every one female but now" she sighed. "There are more females then males, it's not easy for two female dragons to share a male." She chuckled nervously "it gets messy, between the two females and the male there is usually only one survivor."

"We could always share Xerus?"

"I may take you up on that." She smiled

"Not sure if I should interrupt or not," Xerus smiled "I think I like where this is going." He grinned as he dodged a couple books. "See you two even think alike, I think you're going to be the best of friends."

Nyala smiled "well I should get some sleep, tomorrow is a big day, I have to decide which visiting human dies."

"Wait... what?" Teal was shocked

Xerus took a deep breath and rolled his eyes "we need to get the visitor numbers back up."

"So you aren't more creative then killing someone to do that?" Teal was annoyed "That makes you as dense as the idiots that started this war!"

Nyala smiled happily as she tried to sooth her "so what do you suggest?"

"You two mate with everyone watching." She folded her arms. "If they see you two going at it & she gets pregnant then people will fawn all over the baby." Her brow furrowed as a question hit her "you do get pregnant right, you don't lay eggs?"

Both started laughing but Nyala answered "yes we carry our young like you."

"I'm game if you are Ny." Xerus cockily responded.

"Well, killing is getting a bit old, and might be part of the reason for the lack of visitors."

"Maybe you should select one of you that gets to be super friendly and playful with the visitors too." She sat the empty crates by the door and finished her train of thought "might be best to be one of your younger dragons."

     Teal thought aloud  "if you want to get the best of these idiots you need to make them think you are dumb and just mindless pets that will do as their told. That will play on their arrogance and pride." She smiled and folded her arms "being cutesy with the customers will go a long way towards victory."

Nyala smiled "I think Xerus is right, you and I will get along nicely." She smiled at Xerus "going to argue with her?"

"No," he looked down at his feet in annoyance "she has a point..."

"Good," Nyala smacked him on the butt "see you tomorrow lover" she giggled then turned and left.

"Teal..." Xerus took a breath "you need to know that Dragons, once they choose a mate to procreate with never sway from that."

"Do you not like her?" Teal asked

"Much the contrary actually...." he looked nervous "she is one of the best females dragons in the sack," he chuckled "but she is also hard to get a long with, other females think she is too aggressive."

"Oh I like her very much," she smiled as she grabbed a crate of clothes to put away. "I very much like how she finagled us into getting her way." She giggled "she is right you know, the violence has to end."

"What the..."

"Hey, I am not dumb, I have had to learn how to read people very quickly in order to survive here." She smiled "I think I figured it out rather quickly don't you?"

"I'm screwed." He nodded "yep, definitely and completely screwed."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves Xerus" she smiled down at him from the loft "that is tomorrow's activity."

Xerus stomped into his room and morphed. As Teal used some of the crates to make a row of book shelves by the door she heard him fuss around, clearly trying to get her attention "you could come help me if you're bored" She bellowed to him.

Xerus growled in return then hit the button a few times and curled up in his nest in a pout.

By the time Doc arrived in response to the button presses Xerus was asleep and the task of greeting him was Teal's.

"So much for you keeping him away from that button." Doc laughed

"Sorry, I was just busy putting things away." She looked around "I really need furniture other than just a bed." She set the last of the empty crates down by the door finishing up the row of makeshift shelves.

"Hm," Doc noticed "I like that, very creative" he smiled.

"I am sorry, he was probably just bored because I was in here and not in there for him to fondle.

Doc laughed "yes well, he is asleep now so I will take my leave." He bowed to her politely "good evening." She nodded and he turned to leave.

Exhausted Teal made her way up to the bathroom where she took a nice long hot bath then climbed into bed "I can get used to this, plenty of hot water for a nice long soak and this bed is a dream!" She drifted off to sleep quickly and dreamed of Nyala...

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