Chapter 24: Growth & Addition

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Teal stood at the windows of her quarters looking out at the world and pondering "where I was versus where I am now..." she sighed "have I let Xerus make me weak?" She pushed open the window and welcomed the fresh air.

     "Don't jump, I don't want to have to dive out a window to save you." Xerus smirked nervously

     "I'm not going to jump... but I may push you." She smiled at him "just to see how fast you can change and fly back."

     "Sounds fun." He thought "I can show you in the flight ring." He came closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist "what's bugging you?"

     "I've changed," she frowned

    "Yeah, you're a Dragons Mark, quite possibly the Dragons Mark to end all Dragons Marks..." he laughed at the face she made "you're the first to connect with two powerhouse Dragons." She looked confused so he continued "you are bound to learn a few things from us." He smiled "or you've snapped and this is all your imagination."

     She grimaced at him "But I've changed, not growing or improving" she felt like crying "just changed."

     "Teal, we all change." Xerus tried to sooth her "every single one of us, sometimes we change drastically because of trauma other times it's gradually..." he kissed the side of her head "the point is, what you take with you and what you leave behind." He smiled "and what you do with it all."

    "As in what do I do with the things that bug me. Do I change them too or just leave them behind."

    Xerus smiled and ruffled her hair "see, you just learned something."

    She spanked him playfully as he walked away. Turning her attention back to the windows and that wonderful breeze she opened every window she could to allow as much air in as she could. She then moved a fan to the door leading to the nest and turned it on.

     "Heavenly," Xerus stated his approval. "Thank you dear."

     She then turned her attention to something that bugs her; this whole prisoner of war thing "how do I fix this?" She started looking through the paperwork that was scattered around the room.

Teal found all the papers she needed and sat down near the windows on the floor spreading the papers out so she could see them all. It took her several hours but she found a connection. "The laws of war that everyone signed has one section in it that should be connected to prisoners of war, but it isn't" she sighed "I wonder why, this would prevent the mistreatment of them globally." She groaned "why," she slammed the papers down "why has nobody made the effort to just..."

"Because no one has bothered to care" Sage smiled at her "hey, how are you?" She pointed at Xerus "he actually in there reading or is he just faking it for attention?"

"Apparently everyone changes," Teal winked at her.

"Funny," Xerus responded from the other room.

"With everything, falling into place" Sage sat down on the floor with Teal "the Dragons are free, the zoo's are all being transformed into castles and homes for them."

"People as in Non-Dragons have started moving into Dragon villages." Teal added

"I have heard that." Sage smiled "what else have you got?"

"Senji and Fossa checked in this morning and I asked them to find a baby for Jonquil, & Babiana." Teal smiled cautiously

"Really" Sage beamed "do they know?"

"Not yet,"

"Of course you know that  Knifejaw and I are expecting," she smiled

"Yes, congratulations." Teal giggled "I told you that he was just trying to protect you."

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