Chapter 3: Who's the Pet

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Doc returned within the hour with a smile on his face "great news Xerus, they happily agreed" he laughed as he scurried across the room and opened a smaller door that was behind a Pilar on the far side of the room "apparently she is enough of a trouble maker that they didn't even need to be offered any money." He beamed, as Xerus just ignored him. Doc watched as Xerus continued to play with her hair and lounge carefree in his nest.

Teal puzzled as they loaded crates into the room at the back. After the first few dozen crates she realized they had all her belongings from her small apartment. "Does this mean I am done with school?" She asked Doc as he directed traffic.

"Yes, you will be receiving your completion certificate as well as a small stipend every couple of weeks," he smiled "in response to your previous assumption, no you are not owned by anyone."

     He took a breath "however you still are not free, you are still labeled a freed P.O.W. or better put a refugee." He picked at the edge of the nest casually "those rules haven't changed, but you will be well cared for here." He smiled at her trying to sooth her anger "this is the longest Xerus has gone without roasting anyone" he paused as if remembering.

     "It will be nice to be able to keep things more rational around here." He turned to leave as the last of the traffic emerged from the room and left "please let us know if you need anything, we are eager to keep you happy if that means he stops trying to bite the staff."

Xerus laughed and flipped his tail snapping Doc in the butt. With a Yelp Doc scurried out of the room. Teal turned to face him and scowled "was that necessary?" Xerus nodded yes then roared with laughter.

Teal tried to get up but was pushed back down. "I was going to see what they put in there..." she sighed "you know check my stuff, make sure they didn't miss something." She gingerly got up and was surprised to see this time he didn't object.

Teal made her way to her new space and was stunned when she stepped through the doorway. The space was easily four times larger than what she was living in before. With vaulted ceilings, stone walls, wooden floors and steal beams the place looked like a futuristic castle.

As you walked through the door on your right was a staircase that led to the open loft where a large bed was on the far wall with a door between it and the wooden rail that made everything visible in the loft. The doorway appeared to lead to a bathroom, at the entrance there was tiled walls and small pebble floors indicative of a bathroom. On the wall opposite the bed, at the top of the stairs were built in closets and cabinets covering the entire wall. There was ample space up in the loft to easily fit at least four more beds of that size. "Wow" she thought... She finally had plenty of room for any furnishings she wanted.

On the main level to her left of the entry was an entire wall of windows that opened out to a gorgeous forested landscape with gardens and flowering trees as far as the eye could see. To her right just past the stairs was a doorway to a bathroom and laundry facility under the stairs and a row of shelves and cupboards that led to the large kitchen across from the entrance.

Teal just stood there stunned until she felt a wave of heat at her back. "Clearly I need furniture" she said as she glanced behind her to see Xerus laying there watching her. "I guess this is a bigger upgrade in lifestyle than I was thinking." She sighed "damnit, I am so confused right now."

Xerus licked her back then smiled as she turned to scowl at him "I am not dinner..." she reprimanded him as he laughed.

"What am I going to do with you?" She complained.

Xerus rolled over onto his back and panted like a dog just to toy with her.

"Yeah..." she rolled her eyes "go play with your bone or something mutt."

Xerus looked confused then glanced between his legs to check before roaring with laughter.

"Oh my... I did not just witness a sex joke being made by a dragon." She strode into her room and started to unpack. Xerus sat by the door watching her as she did.

As she finished with the final crate she could hear someone in the outer room near Xerus's nest. "Hello?" She set the crate down and made her way out there finally noticing that Xerus was no longer at the door watching.

When she stepped through the doorway she saw about a dozen people all scurrying around cleaning up the room and primping his nest.

"What is going on?" She asked the nearest person.

"Oh, it's feeding time," he responded as he quickly finished his work. "While they eat, we clean."

One of the females nearby approached "do you need anything?"

"Yeah, furniture..." she laughed "and food in the cupboards."

"We will get that for you right away." The female scurried off.

"I don't suppose I would be allowed to advance my education?" She asked nervously

"I can ask Doc" the first male said "if so, he will look into it. He will most likely get back to you after he finds the best school for you that will be willing to allow you to work remotely." he raised his eyebrows as he paused his work "is that okay?"

"Yeah, it is." She smiled as she leaned against the pilar.

One of the females near the nest turned around and looked out the doors "hurry up everyone, they are almost done with feeding time." The workers sped up then quickly left the room all nodding politely to Teal.

Within a few minutes Xerus came rampaging into the room and frantically looked around. As he scanned the room Teal saw fire seep out of his mouth "what exactly are you looking for Xerus?" The sound of her voice startled him and he whipped around with excitement.

     "What..." she reached out and let him lick and caress her hand "did you think I had left?" She laughed "if all I have to do to be able to go to school and be treated like a human rather than an outcast is put up with you..." she smirked "then you are not going to be able to get rid of me, no matter what you try."

     Xerus smiled, leaned against her and relaxed. Teal saw his eyes close as laid his head down at her feet.

Teal ran her hands across his head admiring the silky smoothness of his scales "are you purring... is this really a thing." She reached out and scratched his nose right in between his nostrils "I didn't know dragons could purr?"

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