Chapter 15: Sorrow

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Nyala hesitated at the doorway, "what do I tell her." She thought "how am I supposed to break bad news to someone I care about?" She head-butted the door and growled.

     "Hang on the Nyala, I'm coming." Coral, the smooth talking new addition to the medical team was quickly taking a liking to her and hated having to pass along the bad news. "Keep a chin up, after all" he scratched her chin "you are pregnant, and more of your beauty in this world is always a good thing." His broad smile lightened her heart.

     For the first time Nyala noticed his details and two made her interested, his dark skin that glowed even though it was nearly black and his bright blue eyes that lit up like a cheerful smile, making her happy. "Why do I want to run my hands through his curls..." she frowned "his hair does look so soft, it's lighter than his skin... almost red." She smiled and nuzzled him

     "I like you too, I am hoping to be one of the new live-ins here so cross your fingers..."

     She smiled and nodded then hurried out the door. "I hope he gets the position, I may want to get to know him better."

      Nyala made her way to Xerus's door slowly, there was a lot of changes happening and she was very curious about them all. There were updates to the Flight ring, the doors were being replaced with doors that could lock from the inside only, their nest rooms were being gussied up and the bedrooms attached were being updated to include the latest luxuries.

     As she reached Xerus's room she admired the new door, complete with peephole. They had just extended the hallway beyond his door to include a door into her room adjacent to his. She was eager to see her space but needed to talk to Teal.

A worker saw her and trotted over "we added new door pads that once stepped on will open an unlocked door it should swing it open." The petite female pointed at the new plate on the floor to the side of the door by the wall.

Nyala smiled at her then stepped on the plate, the door popped open and swung only a little bit.

"Hmmm... apparently we need to adjust them." With a polite nod she hurried of to get the needed supplies for the task.

Nyala nudged the door open the rest of the way and peered in Xerus was in the nest, as she stepped inside and pushed the door closed Teals ruffled head popped up from amongst his coils.

"What's wrong?" Teal asked "you look upset."

Nyala changed form and turned and locked the door.

"Nice huh?" Teal climbed out of the nest straightening her clothes and hair. "I rather like having the choice of can they enter or not."

Xerus changed form and sat on the edge of the nest, his expression was of concern for Nyala. "Is it the baby?"

"No," Nyala fidgeted "the baby is fine."

"What's wrong then?" Xerus frowned "your scaring us..."

"The who as to who is behind the counter attacks has been revealed." She took a deep breath "it appears Congress is not happy with the people fighting back so they staged the attacks to try to force the people back into submission."

"What does this mean?" Teal was now worried about their plans.

"Well, it means we need readjust our plans..." she looked at Teal not wanting to have to say this "but the attacks are continuing, just not in the cities that house our species. Our allies have seized control over all regions that house our species." She sighed "however, the Sisque region was decimated in a recent attack." She let the horror to her words show as tears started streaming down her face.

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