Chapter 12: Long live the Queen

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     Doc paced nervously in his private room that connected to his office at the zoo as he waited for the return call from at least one of the dozen senators he contacted this morning. He had been talking with every senator he could in an effort to get this resolved before it jeopardized the safety of his zoo.

     "Why do I do this, they never take me seriously..." he rubbed his temples and tried to relax "it's not like anything I have is of use to them..." Doc jumped as a knock came at the door "wait, that was the office?" He rushed over and sung the door open to see Teal and Sage standing inside his office with anxious looks on their faces.

     "How did you get out of your..."

     "Cells?" Sage growled

     "Not what I was about to say but thank you Sage..." he sighed in frustration as the com buzzed "of course, now you would return my call" he turned and headed for his table and chair by the balcony leaving the adjoining door open.

     He clicked the button to on and the senator's council chambers buzzed to life in miniature before him. "This better be good..."

     "Excuse me but we were here first" Teal interrupted as Sage tried to act casual. Doc nearly fainted as Teal came over and got in between him and the miniature display on the table keeping her eyes solely on Doc "I need to speak with you about the Dragons..."

     A voice from behind her spoke as Doc's eyes pleaded "My dear it will have to wait..."

     "Shut up you," she whirled around "or I will shut you off." She turned back to face Doc "You failed to tell me that the Dragons are a humanoid species that can change form..." she focused all her pent up rage into her eyes "What, because they're different you treat them like they are less than you?"

"No, child..." he sighed "what are you talking about "we would never."

"Treat someone like shit... like property simply because...hmm, let's say she didn't want to be conquered?"

"That is different..." the senator interrupted.

"Not... helping... Senator..." Doc smiled at Teal then tried to sooth her "Child, you are a prisoner of war..."

"I thought the rules your government set up declared that no citizen can be a POW..."

"That is different..." Senator started then stopped when Doc glared at him.

"Different as in only your citizens deserve respect, the rest of us have to bow and grovel?"

"No," Doc frowned his sorrow revealed itself "Child, I hate what was been done to you, why do you think I was so quick to acquire you." He smiled "here I can assure that you will get the respect you deserve." He chuckled "Hell, Child I am insulting a Senator to discuss this with you."

"But the Dragons are people with special abilities that you treat like beasts!"

"Quiet simply because they are Damn good at pretending to be only beasts." Doc smiled

The Senator spoke up in a firm arrogant tone "It doesn't matter if they are beasts in full or only by half... they are possessions of this government and will remain in the conditions they are in."

Teal turned to glare at the senator "What?"

"We as a nation owe them nothing, they have nothing to offer us that is useful anyway."

"Well, WE find your behavior towards them appalling. This attitude..." Teal pointed at the image of the senator with disgust explains why they won't help you..."

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