Call your girlfriend - ♧

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Inspired by the song "Call your girlfriend by Robyn, but from the other perspective.

"I have to do it"
"I- I have to"
I was sure I was looking the ugliest I've ever had, but I couldn't have cared less while I was stuffing clothes into a bag.
As fast as I could I finished packing the essentials and sat down in the living room. I waited and waited while hours passed by. But when the moment came, I desperately wished for more hours.
The keys jingling in the lock, the familiar red hair appearing, but something was missing. Right. The joy that usually came with it. The smile spread on my face. The fidgeting because of my impatience. Missing.
Soon the high but smooth voice I so incredibly loved was to be heard.
"Sky, sorry I'm late, Tom didn't-
What's going on? Are you ok?"
She inspected my tear stained face while quickly coming over.
I got up from the couch and tried to catch my breath. This was gonna hurt like a bitch.
"I- I'm sorry", I managed to get out.
"What? What are you sorry about?"
"I-", I stepped away, avoiding her hand that was trying to touch my arm.
"I'm so sorry", the tears came back, worse then ever.
"What happened"
"I'm- I'm breaking up with you"
"Wha- Why? I don't -"
"It- I just can't"
"What are you talking about? Did something happen while I was out with Thomas?"
"I realized something. This is gonna be hard to say so please let me finish"
She nodded.
"Remember when no one believed us when we first told them we were dating?", I chuckled.

"Hey guys! Could you maybe.. listen for a second? Guys? Please?"
Everyone got quiet and looked at me. Holy shit, this is really about to happen.
"Sky and I need to tell you something ", the eyes shifted to the beautiful woman next to me.
"I know this may seem new.. Well technically it's not old so-"
"What Skylar is trying to say is that-"
"We're dating"
Oh god.
It was so piercingly quiet before Kj started chuckling out of the blue and Lili spoke up.
"Yeah sure. Gotta admit, you had me there for a second"
The others slowly unfroze as well and started chatting again, while Madelaine and I just sat there dumbstruck.
"We're serious guys"
"Oh come on you two are so different you wouldn't last a day together, I know you're trying to prank us but we kinda already caught you", Cami concluded.
I huffed before turning my head to the redhead next to me, pulling up one eyebrow.
We both leaned in before slowly moving our lips in sync. The table went silent again but I was already enjoying this way too much.
Maddy did pull away after some time and we both turned around, grinning into their blank faces.
"Ok either you're like the best and most committed actresses I've ever seen, or that was real chemistry", Kj said, still clearly confused.
"Why not both huh?", I challenged but giggled right away.
"Well congrats I guess", Lili looked at us suspiciously.
"You know you only have to investigate private details from people on screen right? So get that look off your face before you start to channel your inner Betty on accident", I pointed at her.
"I mean this is a suprise but I'm happy for you guys! Just don't take what I said earlier too serious- I was kind of in the moment"
"Thanks Cami, it's alright we were suprised too in all honesty"
The others congratulated us too before everyone returned to their previous conversations about god knows what.
"That didn't go too bad"
I turned my head.
"I can't believe they didn't believe us", I giggled.
"Well you must admit, no-one saw this coming. You with your problems with showing emotions and talking about them and me with my constant need for love and verbal reassurance"
"You have good point there, but we'll work it out", I looked into her beautiful teddy bear brown eyes again.
"Of course we will"
We locked lips one more time, before joining a random conversation, holding hands under the table.

"Yeah of course I remember that", Maddy chuckled, "How could I forget, Lili was suspicious of us for a week"
"Well last time I thought about it, I laughed but what if Cami had a point that evening. I mean we are complete opposites in a lot of aspects"
"We are but we did work it out, and we've come such a long way", she held my arm.
"Maybe we didn't. Maybe... we're just too different", I shrugged her hand off.
"Don't do that. Please. Don't shut me out again", she was tearing up now too, "What even gave you that idea? We were fine when I left"
"Actually, the idea isn't new. Today was just the day I finally defeated my selfishness and want to give you the life you deserve "
"Then what is the problem? I have everything I need right here? You, Olive, my dream job, the best friends I could possibly ask for"
"They really are the best, aren't they?", I chuckled.
"Sky", she huffed.
"I know, I know. The point is, I do want you to have the best life possible. That just doesn't involve me anymore"
"Why not?!", she raised her voice desperately.
"Because I see the way you look at him", I got louder as well, "That- that exact same look that you used to give me is now his to enjoy!"

Madelaine Petsch One Shots ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora