Keep your head up - ♡

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Cold. That's all I felt when I slowly opened my eyes. I squirmed due to the sun shining directly into my eyes and turned away from the window. The reason why I was cold was that my gorgeous girlfriend wasn't laying next to me like when we had fallen asleep. My mood instantly dropped so I decided to search for her and stood up. I slowly shambled through the door and into the kitchen. She wasn't here so I turned left and walked over to the living room where I saw her sitting on the couch having a Video Chat over the laptop. I walked over and dropped next to her, making sure I wasn't visible and just layed back down. It was a zoom meeting with her manager so I didn't kiss her although I really wanted to. My head was in her lap and I snuggeled further into her when she gently layed her hand on my head and started massaging it. I was almost fell asleep again when I felt her shift and opened my eyes to see that the meeting had ended. I turned my head and looked up into her beautiful deer eyes.
"Morning", I mumbled and smiled up.
"Morning baby", she leaned down and kissed my hair. I got up and pouted at her.
"Noo", I pointed to my lips and she giggled before leaning down and softly placing her lips on mine.
I sighed and watched her go over to the kitchen. After 5 minutes of rumbling, she appeared again with a bowl of fruit and a cup of coffee in her hands.
"I've already eaten but I held this cold for you", she placed the bowl next to the cup.
"Thanks baby"
I was so grateful for her I couldn't even put it into words how much she meant to me.
We talked about our plans for today and I wasn't surprised that she had stuff to do for the whole day and I didn't know how to entertain myself for two more hours. After I had finished I quickly brought the dishes to the kitchen and put them into the dishwasher.
I returned to the couch and layed down with my phone when I saw Maddie entering the room already xhanged into her workout outfit.
"Hey there hot stuff", I grinned and made her roll her eyes.
She put on some music and started doing exercises. I felt extremely unproductive laying there in my sweater, scrolling through my phone and watching her but whatever, it's always been like this. She did something for her body, ate healthy, got work done while I layed somewhere in a corner admiring her.
After 45 minutes, yes 45, she was panting and sweating and then finally stopped. She put her yoga mat aside and turned down the music.
"I'll just quickly hop in the shower", she informed me before walking out.
"You know I could join you"
She just laughed before the water swallowed every other sound. I grabbed Maddies phone, since I had left mine in the kitchen while getting snacks and distracted myself while she was gone with looking through social media, starting with instagram. Diy videos were fun to watch but after I had seen the same hack for the fifth time I got bored, so I changed to twitter. All the crazy fan theories were always fun to read and just comments under Mads and my tweets in general. Of course there were mean ones but I never really let them get to me so I just ignored them. While I was reading a conspiracy theory about Veronica being related to Jughead, sharing grandparents or something a still dripping Madelaine walked in, wearing shorts and a simple yellow shirt. She sat down next to me while still drying her hair and I layed down her phone to look at her.
"What's next on your to do list?", I half giggled, knowing that she was really passionate about her lists.
"Meditation and then I have to answer a ton of emails and film a video", she sighed getting up again. She dimmed the lights put on an online meditation class and instantly relaxed. I admired how she structured her life like that and probably just stared at her, because after about 3 minutes in she giggled, paused the video and turned her body to me.
"I can't concentrate when you permanently look at me"
"Oh yeah sorry, be right back"
I knew this meant a lot and was really important to her so I slipped out and into the kitchen grabbing my own phone and some juice from the fridge. I knew I should've gotten some work done too but I just didn't feel like doing it, so I just didn't. I got bored real quick and was extremely relieved when I saw the living room getting lighter again and the meditation class stopped. Back in the living room I continued to sip my juice and wait for the beautiful redhead to continue her routine.

It was about 2pm and I was watching Maddy do her intro. She explained that she was about to film a q&a and I read out the questions from behind the camera. It was fun but I was glad when she was done answering questions and just reacted to fan edits and stuff because that meant we were almost through filming. I just watched her in awe and how her expressions went from a simple smile over shock to laughing so hard it looked painful. She sat on her chair infront of the desk and I layed on the carpet cuddling with Olive. It was funny how the dog and I were both starring at her with big eyes, waiting for her to finish the video. I wanted to cuddle and eventhough the puppy in my arms was really soft it was obviously not comparable to snuggling with my girl. She was done and sighed while closing the camera only for me and Olive to get up quickly and wait for her to come to the couch. I probably looked stupid standing next to a dog and behaving like a puppy that was waiting for a treat but I didn't care. We sat down together and Olive let out a loud bark which made Mads pick her up and pet her head gently. She giggled when I pouted and she shuffled Olive to the side a bit so I could lay my head back on her. I was a very clingy person but so was she so there was almost never a time when we weren't touching or at least near to each other. After we both had calmed down due to the physical contact we decided to watch a movie and I let her choose. We watched clueless for the sevenhundreth time now so I didn't need to pay attention to know what was going on. It was so cozy under the blanket and I felt like me Maddy and Olive were a little family and it just made me feel like I was finally home. I started feeling dizzy and soon drifted off, red hair splattered all over my chest and her sweet scent in my nose.

I must've slept an hour and it was really relaxing but after some time I woke up feeling cold. I opened my eyes and saw that the angel I had been holding had shuffeled out of my arms and was now sitting at the end of the couch. My eyes adjusted themselves to being used again only for me to see the light shaking motions of the petite body. I shot up after the realization hit and moved closer.
"Maddy? Baby, what's up?", I asked gently.
"Nothing, I'm just overreacting I guess"
"Reacting to what? What's going on?", I layed my hand on her thigh over her phone.
"It's just... It's just that I feel like something is wrong, I keep losing time not enjoying and overthinking things and that scares me because it makes me waste even more time and it's probably stupid and I just got triggered, I don't know"
I slowly grabbed the phone from her hands and looked on the still lit screen. Fuck I must've left twitter open earlier because she still locked into my account but there were tweets about her all over screen. I never got triggered by mean comments but she did and I felt really bad and angry when I read through some of the tweets.
"Baby you know that whatever they're weiting, it's not true. You're amazing and whenever you're not enjoying situations please talk to me"
"I know I shouldn't listen to them but they make me feel like I'm not working enough, my dream has always been to become an actress but there's always more, or at least that's what everyone keeps saying"
"I hope you're kidding, because you are the most ambitious, hard working and passionate person I've ever met and please do not ever feel pressured into achieving more than you want to. If you want something greater that's fine, do it but don't let anyone decide for you what you have to achieve in life to have fulfilled it or some other bullshit. You are so amazing and it makes me so sad that you don't seem to see what I see, the most beautiful soul there is"
The tear streams from her eyes got even heavier and now she was sobbing too; shit, did I say something wrong? I brought my arms up and around her shaking frame and she pulled me in as well. With my one hand on her hair and my other one on her back I tried to sooth her and it seemed to work.
"Thank you", she sniveled into my neck.
"Anything for you princess, now get your pretty head up again and fix your crown"
She giggled and wiped her tears away.
"I love you"
"And I love you"

I'm not 100% satisfied with how this turned out but I haven't updated for so long so here you go!

Madelaine Petsch One Shots ♡Where stories live. Discover now