Zodiac signs - ?

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"Hey Mads, do you have plans?", I asked, about to drive home.
"I have one scene left but I'm free afterwards, why?"
"I'll just wait and maybe we can get food together?", I was so nervous. I don't even know why, we're friends but still.
"Sure, any place in mind?"
"I just thought Veggie Grill, if you want to go somewhere else-"
"Veggie Grill's perfect", she interrupted my rembling smiling.
"Great, it's a date", fuck did I just say that? She just giggled before going off to where her last scene would take place.

"Hii, I'm done, let me get my stuff real quick and we're good to go", she picked up some things and we we got in a cab.
"You want to eat there or go to my place and judt pick something up"
"Let's go to yours, way more comfy", she smiled, wow she's pretty. Like of course I always knew she was pretty but lately I think I realised how stunning she truly was.
"You coming?", Mads giggled from outside.
"Oh yeah, sorry", I quickly asked the uber driver to wait a second and got out as well. We went into restaurant, got our food and drove home.
We stood in front of the door as I fiddled with the keys and Madelaine put her arms around me.
Inside we dropped our things and went to the kitchen to eat.
"What do we do now?", she asked.
"How about 20 questions? That way we get to know each other better and it's always fun", I suggested.
"Great, I'll start. Which other languages do you speak?"
"German and French, what about you?"
"Honestly? None, tho I can insult you in Afrikaans", she grinned.
"Well I could teach you german some time. What's something you like to do when you're alone?"
"That'd be great, I enjoy painting eventhough I suck", she laughed, "you?"
"I write and I'm really into photography ", I smiled. The truth is, everytime I see her she inspires me and I just want to get my camera out and take pictures of her. But of course I didn't say that.
"What's something weird you believe in?", she looked curious.
"I don't think it's that weird but Zodiac signs", I chuckled.
"Really? What makes you believe all that crazy stuff? Like how can your birthday tell you something about when you'll meet your soulmate?"
"Ok first of all, it's not crazy. And second, I don't think it can tell you when something will happen or not. I just think that it can say a lot about someones personality. I often find myself being more drawn to... well specific signs and I like to keep my distance to others. And that's mostly before I even know their birthdays", crap I almost spilt the tea.
"More drawn to which sign exactly?",she grinned.
I cleared my throat, fuck no why did I say that.
"Ok so I tend tobeattractedtoleos", I said as fast as possible.
"What did you say?", of course she didn't understand me, that was my intention.
"This is gonna sound so weird but I've always had a thing for leos", I blushed real hard. A big smile appeared on her face which made me blush even more.
"Leos, hm?"
"So you have a thing for redheads and leos?", she lifted one eyebrow.
"How do you-"
"Cami told me"
"I'll kill her", I muttered. Why on earth would she tell Mads when she knew I actually did like her a lot.
"I think it's cute", she layed her hand on my shoulder.
"It's not, it's embarrassing and I don't even know why I told you"
"Why embarrassing? You should know by know that I like you a lot", her smile gave me butterflies.
"Wait, you do?", I asked her with big puppy eyes; this can't be real.
"Wow Cami was right you really don't have a clue, do you? But yes dumbass I do"

And that's how it all began, 1 afternoon, 2 girls and an ever lasting love story.

This is crap sorry but I'm still struggling with Distracted II and wanted to publish something in between.

Madelaine Petsch One Shots ♡Where stories live. Discover now