Cheating - ♧

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¡Trigger warning!

I was at the airport of Vancouver looking for my small redhead, when I finally saw a group of people and in the middle some red messy strands tucked in a bun.
"That must be her" I giggled to myself and slowly approached the group. As soon as people reconigzed me the group splitted so that they surrounded Mads as well as myself, clearing my way to her. I grinned and power walked to her when she saw and smiled as well. Not that happy wide grin I was used to but maybe she just had a bad morning.
"Hi baby" I whispered and slowly pecked her lips. Her normally full and soft lips now felt weird because her whole body tensed and she pressed her lips into a thin line. I backed away and looked at her curious but she just gave me her heart warming smile and I decided to ask her later about this when we would be alone. Some girls came up to us and we took photos with them a few together a few alone. Then this one girl came up and she looked really excited. We posed together for the pic and when we were done she turned to Mads with a smile on her face.
"Are you friends with travis again? I could never be friends with my ex but that's so cool and maybe you could be a thing again"
"Uhm excuse me?" I asked weirdly suprised that she had the audacity to say this in front of me.
"You do know that we're together right"
"Oh yeah sorry I'm just curious and I just ship them so much didn't want to sound disrespectful, love you bye" she rushed, smiling angain and disappearing in the crowd.
"That was weird" I stated and looked at my girlfriend, "but whatever let's go home"
She took one of my bags and we exited the airport.

After we closed the door I inhaled the scent of home deeply since Madelaine had arrived a few days earlier and the flat already smelled like her and her essential oils she was obsessed with. I brought my luggage to our bedroom and started unpacking. In the meantime Mads made some tea for us and picked a movie we would watch later.
Cuddled together on the couch we watched ruby red, one of our favorite movies but I still wanted to find out what was bothering her. I paused the movie and turned my head to her," Is everything ok, you seem so distant today"
She just looked at me with her big brown eyes whitch I loved so much tearing up. I layed my arms around her and pulled her onto me hugging her tightly. She started sobbing quietly and whispered things like "I messed up", "Why am I so stupid" and "I love you".
"You're really starting to worry me Maddy", I said using the name only I ever called her, "Did something happen when I was gone, please talk to me maybe I can help"
"I-I d-" she stuttered and I looked calmly and reassuring at her.
She caught her breath again and looked at me again, "I love you"
"I love you too but I hope you already knew that" I joked lightly trying to make her laugh but she just seighed annoyed in my shoulder, as I was still holding her in place, "Why do you have to be so amazing "
I stayed quite trying not to pressure her and just rubbing small circles on her back.
She leaned away a little bit so she could look me in the face, "You remember this girl at the airport earlier?", she asked making me hum in areement. She sobbed again and continued,"I did meet up with Travis as you've maybe seen in the media, we grabbed some coffee and everything seemed fine. I did exactly what you told me and tried to close old wounds. We went back to his place and watched a movie and I really thought we could be friends again but-", she couldn't finish as heartbreaking sobs washed over her again. Now I was really worried and tried for the sake of both of us to swallow the scared feeling of what was about to come next.
"Old feelings came up again and I-I slept with him", and there it was, the situation I had been waiting for since we started dating. Normally I'm a really hot headed and passionate person but at this moment I just felt like someone had punched me in the face. My arms went numb around the petite body on my lap and the smile I tried so hard to hold for her dropped. She got off of me and stared at my face still crying while waiting for any respond. I got up and just walked out out of the living room and into our bed room. I simply started packing the most necessary things and took my bag. Mads was waiting in the hallway and her eyes widened when she saw the bag in my hands and realised what I was about to do.
"Can we at least talk about this? Please I love you and I can't loose you because of this stupid mistake", She cried and I wanted to scream at her or at least look at her but I needed to get out as fast as possible. Of course it was raining outside because this whole situation wasn't already cliché enough. I just stumbled through the streets until I came to a bench in the small park with the beautiful lake. I just now realised that my feet had brought me to a special bench, the one where I first said I love you. I could hit myself for coming here but I was too exhausted and just sat down. It was raining more and more and after some time I couldn't tell which drops on my face came from my eyes and which were just rain, only my burning eyes were prove that I was indeed crying. I didn't sob, I didn't make any noises at all, the tears were just simply streaming down my face as I felt like my whole world was breaking down above me. After what felt like hours the prudence in me won I called Cami, as she lived the nearest by. She sounded really worried but of course would let me stay with her for a while. Her house was 15 minutes away and when I finally reached it my body was shaking because of how cold I was. I didn't feel cold tho, I honestly didn't feel anything besides this sick feeling in my stomach. I knocked on the door and she quickly opened and let me in. Of course the first thing that popped up in my head was the image from earlier today when I came home.
"What happened? Do you need anything? Wait a second and get comfortable I'll make you some tea to warm up"
I just stood in her hallway, took of my shoes so I wouldn't stain anything and wandered over to the kitchen to sit down. She gave me a look over her shoulder while she was putting teabags in our cups and handed me one. Worry was written all over her face when she sat down as well.
"You should get changed while the tea cooles off a bit or else you'll catch a cold", and so I did. I sat my bag on another chair and took my soaked clothes of, not caring that I stood in my underwear in front of her now. After I was done changing, I sat down again and reached for my tea, apple with cinnamon spice, of course, Mads favorite. And with that tears were rolling down my face again. After we had drunk up she showed me the basement, where she had something like a home cinema with matresses spread all over a few pallets. I thanked her and hung up my my dripping clothes since everything I had brought in my bag was wet as well. I laid down and changed between silently crying and falling asleep for the rest of the night and the next day. Cami just came in sometimes checking on me and asking if I wanted to eat something but I felt like if I ate something I would just throw it up again. The next evening Cami came in again and quietly sat down next to me.
"You don't have to talk to me but I'm really worried and maybe I can help you", she almost quotet me from 24 hours earlier. I just nodded slowly giving her a sign that she could ask me something, I mean she let me stay with her after all and I felt like I owed her at least a few answers.
"Why are you not with Madelaine?", and there it was the inevitable question.
I sighed deeply and tried to find the right words.
"First of all p-please don't be mad at her I didn't come her to destroy your friendship. But when I arrived this afternoon I knew something was wrong. A few weeks ago I told Mads that she should close old wounds and talk to Travis again so that she could finally have her peace with that topic. What I didn't think was that old feelings would come up and sh-she would s-sleep with him", I stuttered and looked up to see a shocked expression on her face.
"She did what?", she asked clearly not believing what she had just heard. "Please don't make me say it again", I sobbed again and curled up more in my blanket, pulling my knees to my chin, "I just had to get out and I promise I will find myself a hotelroom or something tomorrow"
"The fuck you will you're staying with me of course", she explained and I nodded slightly my eyes on the ground again.

Madelaine Petsch One Shots ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora