Chapter 7: The song

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You pull into a neighborhood and check your phone again. I though he said we were meeting in a public place, You ask yourself. you look around for the address he gave you, you see a big house, about three floors. You park in the driveway and get out of the car, you notice some flowers and well kept bushes and other plants along side the walkway, You smile and walk up the steps to the door. You hesitate before ringing the doorbell. No way this is his house.., its amazing, You think to yourself.

"Coming!" You hear Gaege yell. He opens the door and looks down at you with a smirk. "I have a fun day planned." He says as he steps out of the way for you to enter the house.
"You said we were meeting somewhere public.." You say a little confused.
"Well this is a public neighborhood isn't it?" He smiles and grabs your hand. "I prepared something for you Y/N" He says excitedly in his Juicy voice.
"I-..." You begin, but you choke up on your words, you turn your face away so he doesn't see that you look like a whole ass cherry. You hear him chuckle.
"Here take a seat" He says politely as he motions his hands towards a leather couch. You smile and take a seat, a bit confused. You watch as he runs off, he disappears up the stairs.

He comes back down with a guitar, You smile wide. No fucking way, You jump up with excitement.
"Ah ah ah" He says, laughing. "dont get too excited" he says modestly. You sit back down and watch as he sits in a chair across from you and positions his guitar in his lap. You take your phone out and open the camera app on your phone and get ready to press record.
"Not saying you can't record but don't you dare post it on social media." He says strictly. You smirk.
"ooh and what exactly would you do about it?" You ask him, as soon as you notice the smirk on his face you instantly regret saying it. He shrugs and begins to play his Guitar, you click record.

He sings the song to you and you look at him in tears.
"That..was beautiful..." You stutter. He smiles and stands up, he places his guitar on the chair he was just sitting in and moves over next to you.

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