Chapter 1: the surprise trip

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Its after school hours and you're walking home.  you just want to take a nice nap after the test you just took in your last period.

Its been a long day, you think to yourself. You have some earbuds in with your favorite music playing when a sudden bling goes off, which interrupts your jams. you pull your phone from your back pocket to see a message from your mom.

M: Where are you? Me and your father have a surprise for you.
Y: Im rounding the corner to the neighborhood entrance, why? whats the surprise? and it couldn't wait?
M: Just wait there, we already have everything ready, WE ARE GOING TO FLORIDA!!!

In the back of your head you begin to overthink and your heart rate begins to pick up. you start breathing heavily and you sit down on the bench nearby. No fucking way, you begin to zone out. a few minutes pass before your mothers car begins to pull up, you stand up and walk over to the car slightly shaking. you slowly open the door and sit on the seat looking down at your phone.

"Whats with you?" your Mom asks as she turns around towards you.
"oh nothing, just that the FUCKING HOTTEST GUY EVER LIVES IN FLORIDA!!" You respond back to her.

You then put your earbuds back in and click on to youtube and see that Juicy has uploaded a new video. You smile to yourself and decide to watch it as your Dad drives to the airport.

A trip to Florida (Gaege x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now