Percy Goes To Our School: Chapter Eleven: Sophie's POV

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Of all the places we could land, we landed on Percy Jackson's Prius. Maruca formed a special force field that hid us from humans. I told Maruca to lower our shield when it was clear that no human students were around, and she grinned.

"I told you I would be useful! I just needed proper training." Percy muttered something in Greek about the language we were speaking.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." I answered back flawlessly in the same language.

"How?" He marveled.

"You'd be surprised by my talents." I said in Latin. I'd heard his mind run through a very short list of languages that he could speak or identify. "I'll tell you Tuesday!" I gave him a teasing wink and left.

I'd skimmed all of the textbooks before I left that morning, so I had some time to think during the long lectures and explanations the teachers gave. Whenever they called on me, I answered the question right and went on speculating what on Earth those beasts were. Dex and Biana were in my homeroom, and they were both in my science and math classes. I was in an English class with Tam. If they didn't know an answer, I would transmit it to them. We all needed to do well in school and not get in trouble so we wouldn't have to get tutored or go to detention after school. We were on a mission.

At lunch that day, we all went for the salad bar. Elves were vegetarians, so we couldn't eat the hot lunch: some sort of ground meat and gravy. Ick. We all kept our heads down so as to not draw attention to ourselves. We all sat down at a long table at one end of the cafeteria. Anyone who tried to sit down with us got a death glare from Tam and Wylie. Except for Percy Jackson. He sat down and began to eat his pizza. Now, how he got blue pizza from the cafeteria when it wasn't even pizza day was beyond me, but the kid was strange. He seemed almost like... One of those Greek gods that I read about in high school. Oh, no. That's what he is, I thought. I was about to find out that not only did elves, ogres, gnomes, trolls, unicorns, imps, dwarves, and a thousand other "mythical" creatures exist, but so did Greek gods. What is wrong with me?! I thought. There are no Greek gods. They're just a myth!

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