(Mom? Did something happened?)

"Excuse me, miss. But are you the daughter of the woman who owned this phone?" Rhianne asked. She is very careful with her words trying not to scare the person on the other line.

(...Yes. May I know who is this? And why do you have my mom's phone?)

"Hello, miss. My name is Rhianne. I actually called to inform you that your mother is in the hospital right now. She lost her consciousness earlier in the mall and she also has a high fever."

(Hospital? How is she? Is she okay now?!)

"You do not have to worry about her, miss. According to the nurse in charge, she is now fine and only needs to rest for a few days."

Rhianne can hear the person on the other line let out a sigh of relief.

(May I ask the name of the hospital?)

After giving the other information to the person she was talking to on the phone, Rhianne ended the call. When she turned her head, Rhianne saw Keith quietly looking at her. His lips were pursed and his eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Mr. Protagonist?"

"...It is nothing. Are we going to stay until her daughter arrived here?"

"No. The daughter of that patient is on her way here. I will just pay her bills and we can leave after that."

"Why do you have to pay for her hospital bills?"

Rhianne only smiled at Keith but she did not answer his question.

Rhianne noticed the bills inside the woman's purse and some of them were already overdue. She also saw a budget list inside. Rhianne did not saw everything written on it, but the total amount that would be left is only two dollars. Thinking about it, the woman's clothes earlier is also faded and the hole on the woman's skirt was carefully patched using a cloth with a colorful pattern. The model of her phone is old and the keypads' surface of it is already erased.

Rhianne can really sympathize with the woman's condition. She already experienced it in her past life. She knew how hard it is to budget the small amount of money inside your wallet. You cannot afford to spend even a single cent because you were trying to save money as much as you can.

Rhianne paid for the woman's hospital bills. She also paid in advance for the medicines and things she will need in the future while resting in this hospital. Rhianne also made an online order from a restaurant nearby and left its payment to the nurse in charge of that woman. After that, Rhianne also left the woman's purse to the nurse in charge of that woman and asked to give it to her daughter when she arrives. When Rhianne already finished all the things she needed to do, she pulled Keith on her side and left the hospital.

"Do you still want to visit the cafe today?" Rhianne asked.

"Why are you asking me that? You are the one who wanted to visit that cafe, not me."

"Oh. That's right. Hmm... Nevermind. We can visit that cafe next week."

"Then where do you want to go now?"

"Hmm... Let's go and watch the action movie that you wanted to see last week. I think it is still showing in the cinema."

"...I thought you were not listening to me when I told you about it."

Keith mentioned it before to Rhianne while they were in the library. She was busy reading a thick book at that time. Rhianne did not say anything back so Keith just dismissed their conversation and remained silent until she finished her book.

"Of course not! I am listening to you while reading a book. I just cannot answer you or else, my concentration will be destroyed."

"Yeah, sure. If you say so." Keith answered. "So we will watch that movie now?"



Keith called his driver to fetch them in front of the hospital. After waiting for a few minutes, a black car stopped in front of them. Keith opened the door and put his hand under the car roof to avoid Rhianne from hitting it while entering the car. She thanked Keith and he carefully closed the door. After that, he also entered the car and sit beside her.

When everything was ready, the driver started the engine and leave the hospital. While fixing her seatbelt, Rhianne saw a petite woman dashing towards the entrance of the hospital. She cannot see her face clearly and only saw her body disappeared in a blur.

"Rhianne, where are you looking at?"

"Oh. It's nothing."

Facing Keith, Rhianne did not dwell too much about that woman and focus on the conversation with her Mr. Protagonist.

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