Of Quidditch and Paperwork

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Hey everyone! Here's a little Snamione one-shot I've been working on

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Hey everyone!
Here's a little Snamione one-shot I've been working on. Just wanted to play around with scene setting and dialogue. Might do more of these in the future. I really enjoyed writing this.
Please give the story a like if you enjoyed it and I'd love to hear all your thoughts on it.
- Rae

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Of Quidditch and Paperwork
Snamione | One-Shot

Of Quidditch and PaperworkSnamione | One-Shot

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All Rights Belong to J. K. Rowling

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Hogwarts, Scottish Highlands.
Wednesday, January 30th, 2001

'Please, Granger!'

'No! For the last time, I am not your assistant. Do it yourself.'

'But you make such a good assistant, Granger.'

Hermione Granger fought the urge to punch the man in front of her. If she did, it wouldn't have been the first time. Once, when they were children, she had known the satisfying feeling of what it felt like to punch Draco Malfoy in the face. And it was a feeling she would happily relive.

Unfortunately, though, there were too many people who would take such an act as grounds for a disciplinary meeting. And the paperwork after one of those was horrendous.

'I swear to Merlin, Malfoy, if you ask me one more time I will apparate us off school grounds and punch you so hard you won't be seeing anything for a week - let alone a damn Quidditch match!.'

Draco took a step back but his smirk showed that he wasn't mad.

'Damn, Granger. I should get you angry more often. You're kind of cute like this.'

She sighed and looked up at him.
Damn him and his impressive height, she thought.

She was accustomed to his overt flirting. It never led anywhere and that was exactly how she liked it. But if rumor's were to be believed, they were apparently at it like rabbits most nights.

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