Work Nights

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About you
{ You work as a bar tender at a strip club on the lower side of the city, it's not much but the tips pay well, especially with the old men who find praying on younger people exciting. It's disgusting really but hey money's money. sometimes you have bets with your fellow employees to see who can make the most and whoever wins gets glory points. their not all that glorious though, because when you think about it, it's just a game of who can get objectified the most. anyways, at the end of the day you have enough money to support just yourself. You also live in a small apartment close enough to your work. just enough for you to walk too and from. }

"What will it be tonight sir?"
You ask a Man in a suit. Larry. He was a regular at the bar. He had a grey receding hairline, wrinkles everywhere, and that old people smell to him, but he tipped amazingly, if he thought you were cute of course.
"Well aren't you just as pretty as always."
He responded with a devilish grin.
"I'll take a beer, bottled."
"Of course sir. Is that all?"
"Well I've had a rough day so maybe some company when you come back too?"
He chuckled, you giggled, playing along, and walked off to the bar.

You grab a bottle from the underside of the table and noticed a guy with a black hoodie sipping on something. He was alone but seemed fine with it. His hood was up making it hard to see his face from the side. As you opened the bottle he turned, making eye contact. He had skin graphs blow each eye and on the lower half of his face, held together with staples. Kinda odd but who were you to judge. He's not bothering anyone, besides it was his eyes that caught you. They were the most piercing blue you've ever seen. Your contact only lasted a couple seconds, but felt like an eternity. You glance down at the bottle in your hand, realizing you had a job to do and walked off. You could feel his gaze still locked on you.
"Here you are sir."
You said putting the bottle on a napkin.
"Thank you sweetheart."
He responded.
"Can I ask what your plans are for tonight y/n?" "Well..."
you sighed,
"I think I'll just finish up here and head home to sleep."
Although you didn't like to make conversation with Larry, you could feel the money piling up in your wallet. No matter how dry your responses were he just needed someone to fuel his ego. Knowing that he was talking to a younger person was enough.
You were standing tall in front of him in the booth where he was sitting. Your eyes furrowed, noticing him only staring at your tits (or package if you don't got any)
gross bastard.
"What about you sir?"
You smiled. He liked to be called sir too, it made him feel powerful. He took a sip of his drink and let out gross
"aaah" after.
"Back to my bitch wife and her nagging about god knows what."
"If only I had someone like you y/n to come home too. You wouldn't nag me would you? In fact I don't think there'd be a single boring moment."
He laughed and took another huge gulp of his beer.

An hour and three beers later, Larry began the second phase of his night. Touching. The boss warned him about keeping his hands to himself many times, but his excuse was always,
"I just can't help it when they look like that."

You were back at the bar, where the man with the blue eyes still sat. He was on his second drink. You began to move towards the fellow when a loud
Shook the bar. Larry was holding an empty bottle in the air waving it back and forth.
"He bothering you?"
the guy with the eyes questioned
"I'm used to it."
You sighed, and grabbed another beer and brought it to Larry.
You placed the new bottle on the napkin and leaned over the table to grab the empty ones, when Larry placed his hand on your lower back, sending a chill down your spine.
"You look so sexy tonight y/n."
He burped out.
"Haha and you're drunk sir."
You laughed awkwardly.
He slid his hand down farther now on to your ass pulling you closer to the booth. You took his hand in yours and placed it back on the table
"Ah don't be like that, I'm only having some fun." He spoke as you walked back to the bar with the three bottles in hand. You noticed the man with the scars eyeing the situation.
Fuck how much did he see? Oh well, Just fifteen more minutes then i'm out and in bed, you can do it y/n.
Then began the the longest fifteen minutes ever.

"Have a goodnight y/n."
One of your coworkers said as you you were putting on your jacket.
"You as well."
You clocked out and the night was done. The fall chill hit your cheeks as you began your walk to your apartment. It might be stupid to walk home in the middle of the night, especially with the talks of villains and other possibilities, but walking at night was calming to you for the most part. You liked the lack of people crowding the sidewalks and the sounds of the city. Besides you carried a switchblade on you at all times.

A couple steps into your journey you felt like someone was following. You look back slightly to see Larry's drunk ass wobbling behind you.
Great! Just what I needed after him being extremely touchy tonight.
You could hear him mumbling to himself and his sloppy footsteps. He took a deep breath and began to yell.
he belched.
Just ignore him.
With every word he shouted you could feel yourself getting more an more frustrated. It's one thing to constantly deal with his touchy bar self and crude comments, but following you home and shouting what he wants to do to you.
I could just stab him and run off... I mean would it be that bad. He probably does this to others anyways, it's not like I'm the only one caught in his ugly ways. It would do everyone a favor in the long run. Right? No, no, that's crazy...Just ignore.

You looked back every once in a while to see him stumbling over himself. He was now singing off key, getting quieter with the parts he didn't know, trying to get a reaction. Anything to make you notice him. "DAMN COME ON SAY SOMETHING CUTIE, I CANT DO ALL THE TALKI-"
His voice cut off. You stopped at the sudden quietness.
What the hell?
You turned back to look at the now empty sidewalk. No Larry in sight.
Well that takes care of that I guess...
Instead of investigating the sudden disappearance of the creep, you headed into the complex for the rest of the night.

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