Chapter 14 - Amusement Park

Start from the beginning

"Isn't this favoritism?! He didn't even ask what I wanted!" Ieyasu cried out to himself. Sometime he wondered why the hitman soft with Tsuna. He didn't even act like that with anyone that he ever met, that's for sure. Now that he thinks about it, when they were in the future, Reborn was like that also to future Tsuna. He also remembered Tsuna calling Reborn as uncle before. Did the hitman see Tsuna as a nephew?

(LR:*COUGH* Yeah...A nephew yeah...*smirked evily*)

"Ie-nii, the others are here," Tsuna's voice brought him out to the reality again. The brunet was looking at him worriedly because he has been trying to call Ieyasu for a minute already.

"Oh, Gomen. Let's go," Ieyasu said.

"Otou-san, Kaa-san, we're off!" They yelled off before leaving their house. They met up with G, Asari, and their brothers.

Gokudera Hayato and Yamamoto Takeshi, both of them returned with Tsuna at the same time when Ieyasu and his guardians came back from the future. They are the same with their future self, except for Hayato...who is more vicious than his future self. Seriously, the silver haired boy's temper is worse than G's, and that saying something.

"Morning, Tsuna-sama!" Hayato exclaimed happily, a puppy ears and tail suddenly sprouted out of nowhere. If Ieyasu never met the future Hayato and saw the silver haired man loyalty for his brother, he would be having words with G about his brother now.

"Morning everyone," Tsuna replied.


They meet up with their friends, except for two Hibaris who will for sure bite and arrest them to death if they got forced into this type of crowding. Oh and did Ieyasu ever mentioned that the younger Hibari is full of bloodlust every day? No?

"Eh, where is Knuckle and Ryouhei?" Ieyasu asked when he notice the two extreme brothers aren't here.

"Ah, Boxing club need them. They sent everyone their apology for not being able to join," Kyoko said.

"They are sure busy hahaha," Asari said.

"A-re? Isn't that Nezu-sensei?" Takeshi point out. They looked at the bench nearby and found their math teacher sitting there playing with his phone. Seriously, he's in an amusement park and still playing with his phone?

"Tch, stupid rat," Hayato growled out, hands itching to throw some of his dynamite and blow up that stupid rat. Ieyasu just sweat dropped at him.

Tsuna and his guardian enrolled in their school few days after they return to this time after the future event, and Hayato is still holding a grudge with Nezu because he placed Tsuna alone in different class without any of his guardians.

"Yare~ Yare~ Hayato-nii, we should do it while no one sees," Lambo said with his usual lazy tone, but his eyes is different story. Tsuna just sweat dropped at his two guardians telling them not to murder a civilian.

"Those two are still holding grudges?" G asked.

"You'll be surprised how they make Nezu life a living hell when teaching our class, Hayato-shi refuse to even talk or answer anything, and that brat refused to stay awake in math. There's nothing that Nezu can do also giving those two are geniuses in that class.," He explained lazily. G just gaped at that.

"And you didn't even think to tell me about it?!" G screamed at Ieyasu who just flinched. Now that he thinks about it, G did ask him to tell him if Hayato doesn't behave in class.

"Ah, I guess I forgot," The blonde laugh sheepishly, scratching his head making the pink haired, G facepalmed. "Besides, it's his fault that Tsu-chan is not in the same class as me!" He pouted. Stupid Nezu and his reason for not taking twins in his class, such a bullsht remembering Lambo and Lampo are twins also. Heck they even look more alike than he and Tsuna!

"Then, we'll see you guys later!" Elena said before walking away with Daemon for their date.

"Ie-nii, can we ride the roller coaster first?" Tsuna asked as he pointed to the moving roller coaster, eyes sparkling. In the truth, the brunet just wanted them to forget about Nezu before they will murder that poor teacher.

"Sure, Tsuna," Ieyasu chuckled, before they start walking to attraction.

"Chrome, will you be okay?" Mukuro asked his twin sister. Can she handle the barbaric thing as the roller coaster?

(LR: Mukuro in case that you forget, she kick Byakuran's ass with you in the future.)

It's true that she is not weak from what his future self memory show him, but he's still worried about her. Beside that was 10 years from now, maybe she's not as strong as she will be in the future yet.

(LR: That creepy, did you read my mind or something?)

"Kufufufu~ I'm not reading your mind," The pineapple said creepily. Wait a second...Hold the fcking second! This stupid pineapple just broke the fck out of fourth wall.


*Back to the story*

"Mukuro-nii, I will be fine. Beside I want to have fun today with you," The girl smiled softly at his twin who is supporting a big red bump on his head now. Some people will for sure kick their brother or at least feel annoyed now, but she understands that he's just worried about her.

For hours, all of them try almost everything in that amusement park. Tsuna somehow become a really good friend with Kyoko, Haru and I-pin. The girls keep dragging him off somewhere to try many varieties of dessert in that place. They stopped to eat lunch before deciding to go home. Ieyasu and Tsuna just part away with G and Hayato few seconds ago, and now both of them are walking home.

"We're home," Ieyasu called out when they enter their house.

"Welcome back Baka-Ie, Tsuna," A deep voice greeted them. They look up to see Reborn in his all glory walking down from stairs. Oh Did Ieyasu forget to mention that the hitman and other Arcobalenos have become adults again because of Checkerface promise with future Tsuna? No? Must have slipped from his memory then.

"Reborn, you're back?" Tsuna squeak out. The brunet averted his gaze away from the hitman sharp black eyes as fast as he can. His future memories have come to him for weeks and he still can't forget what his future self told Reborn back then. Talking in phone is one thing, but he still can't look at him on the eyes.

"Reborn?!" Ieyasu gaped. Wait, he's pretty sure that Reborn was still in Italy this morning, how in the world he flew back here in few hours only?

"Baka-Ie, Mama and Baka-Mitsu is still out. Tell them Tsuna and I are going out for a bit," The hitman said, before pulling Tsuna with him.

"Wait, Reborn! Reborn, I just got back-," Was all Ieyasu heard from Tsuna, before the brunet disappear with the hitman.


Hello everyone~ Hahahaha I'm sorry for that stunt kay XD. Once again, thank you for reading my story~ I have a time this week to write so here is it! I hope you enjoy it ^^

LR: Just you wait, Reborn. I will pay you back for that cola incident.

Ieyasu: -_-" She's still angry about that?

Tsuna: well...hahaha

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