Chapter 22. A request

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However, Dwalin wasn't sure if Thorin would allow that. It was true that they were old friends and he would still risk his life for his King. But dwarves were also loyal to their One. Thorin would first have to apologize for the way he treated Kim. And Dwalin knew that his King wouldn't do that. Even if he did, he had to lie to Thorin about your whereabouts. The wizard had told him the whole plan. Right now he couldn't remember why he had agreed to it all. He was sure Thorin would feel the pain in his chest, indicating that his One was close. He could be ignorant but he wouldn't be able to ignore that aching feeling. The wizard couldn't fool Thorin for too long. 'Where are you going once your Company is here?' Bard asked.

Dwalin dropped his spoon in his bowl of soup, staring at the fisherman. Why did he want to know that? 'We are going to the elven Kingdom, Rivendell. We made a few wrong turns and we were send ahead to look for the right path' Kim lied before Dwalin could say anything offensive. He looked at her with pride. Bard raised an eyebrow but didn't ask any more questions. They finished their soup when the door flew open and Bard's son ran inside. 'Da! Come quick! They are caught!' Bard and Dwalin immediately jumped up and ran after him. It took Kim a few more seconds to realize what he was talking about. Then she ran after them, as quickly as she could.

Kim had no idea where the boy was leading them, but she noticed that the streets were awfully silent. Only somewhere a few streets away did she hear noises. And that's exactly where he lead them. There were a lot of people gathered around the Lake Master's home. Kim had only seen him once and that had been more then enough. He stank more afwul then he had appeared in the movies. He could use a shower, or four. The people were standing around something, or someone. Kim tried to push her way through the crowd to get a better look. 'Watch it!' a man said and raised his hand. Dwalin was by her side within the blink of an eye and held a knife close to his throat. 'Only dare to touch her and I will cut your hand off.' That did the trick.

Dwalin now pushed the crowd to the side, making sure that no one dared to come anywhere near Kim. When they reached the front side they saw who was standing there. The Company had been captured and was now facing the Master of Lake Town. Thorin was standing on the staircases, and the crowd was cheering for him. This was a true King. 'You will have enough gold to rebuild Esgaroth ten times over!' Thorin shouted, making wild movements. Kim looked up at Dwalin. His eyes were sparkling, he could picture the gold in his mind. The crowd was cheering for the King under the Mountain. And she was sure he was enjoying it. 'Why should we take you for your word? We know nothing about you. Who here can vouch for your character?' Alfrid interrupted.

The crowd silenced and the dwarves didn't talk either. Was no one going to stand up for Thorin? Thorin looked unsure, he had hoped they would agree as soon as they heard about the gold. 'I will vouch for him' Kim said and the people around her took a few steps back. Thorin turned around, slowly, a confused look on his face. 'I have traveled with these dwarves for a few months, and I know that he will keep true to his word.' Thorin's eyes softened and he nodded his head, almost unnoticeable. Dwalin stood beside her, a protective arm draped around her waist. 'If that's settled, welcome to Lake Town! Let us feast!' the Master declared and the crowd cheered again.

Everyone helped to clear the room and bring in the good food and ale. The dwarves were busy getting drunk and filling their bellies with the delicious food. Especially Bofur was enjoying the ale. Kim was sitting next to Thorin and Dwalin. 'Thank you for vouching for me' Thorin spoke softly. Kim nodded, almost choking in her drink. 'You are welcome. You are truly a great leader.' Thorin nodded. He looked up at his old friend who still send him an accusing glare. He turned his head back to Kim. 'And I... I shouldn't have said you were to blame for (y/n) injury... It wasn't your fault.' Kim smiled brightly. 'Thank you Thorin. And I'm sorry I caused all this, it wasn't my intention...'

Thorin raised his hand. 'Let's not talk about that tonight. Tonight we will feast and get ready for Durin's Day.'


They were up early the next morning. In the water lay a boat for the Company to cross the lake with. The people of Lake Town had all gathered on the dock, ready to wave their saviours off. Bard had denied them a place to sleep in his house but there were others who welcomed them with open arms. Everyone was present, even Bofur. Kim felt more safe knowing that there were thirteen dwarves and a hobbit to keep her safe. They set off towards the other side of the lake. The mood in the boat became more serious as they approached the Lonely Mountain. Everyone was looking for the hidden passage. Kim searched and searched but couldn't find the hidden stairs in the mountain. 

She knew it was here somewhere, it just had to be. As she looked around her she spotted Thorin near a rock. Kim didn't know what he was doing but it didn't look like he was searching for the hidden door. She walked closer to him, not sure if he was still mad with her, even though he had apologized to her yesterday. Thorin heard her approaching and took one look back. When he saw Kim he just turned his head back and continued with whatever he was doing. 'May I interrupt?' Kim asked carefully. Thorin raised his hands in the air and a black raven flew away, a note was attached to it's leg.

Thorin watched the raven fly away before he answered Kim. 'You may.' Kim took a few steps closer, now standing next to the King. She could feel Dwalin's eyes on her back as she did so. 'Who did you send that letter to?' Thorin's eyes narrowed as he watched the raven landing on a hill close to the mountain. He took a deep breath and turned around. 'I send a request to someone who belongs to me to return to my arms.'

World's apart (Thorin Oakenshield fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن