Ch 4: A new member

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Nightmare's POV:

Me and my group were sitting in the cafeteria for lunch in the far back corner that actually had some shade so its pretty dark over here but we don't mind plus we go outside for lunch once everyone gets here. Speaking of everyone......

"Where the fuck is Horror?" I asked.

"No clue boss..." Killer said.

"I'm right here!" Horror growled but in a happy maner.

Horror sat down in one of the chairs and another skeleton stood behindhim shyly. Horror looked up at him and smiled the other skeleton smiled happily and relaxed. It took me a while to figure out what was happening until Ink spoke up. 

"Horror is this you're boyfriend~?" He asked.

"What no you dumbass this is the new student!"

The skeleton waved blushing a little. To be honest he's kind of cute like a small bean.  

"Well now that everyone is here let's go?" I said gettung up from my seat.

We all got up and walked out of the cafeteria. I guess Horror said to follow him because he kept on talking to the new student but strangly he didnt say anything back. We went outside and walked towards the back of the school the sat down in on the cold ground in the shade. Horror pat the ground and the new kid sat down next to him. Horror put his arm around the new kid and Blue sqealed.

"So he IS youre boyfriend!"

"NO! Were just.......friends...?"

Horror said it like he was asking if the new kid wanted to be his friends. The new kid nodded quickly and smiled. Hes been too quiet for too long that its starting to feel weird. I guess we could ask the kid a few questions......

"So what's youre name?" Dust asked.

"His name is Sans." Horror said.

"I wasn't asking you!"

"Well he wont be able to talk to you."

"And why is that?"

"Hes mute stupid he cant talk he can only communicate by sign langueage or writting on a notebook or body language."

"Body language eh~?" Killer said.

"You pervert shut up," Blue said. "Here take this notebook you can use it to talk to us!"

Blue handed a small yellow notebook to Sans, Sans took the notebook and grabbed out a pencil and began to write. His hand movements with the pencil were slow his grasp was very tight on it and the sound of the pencil on the paper sounded like nails to a chock board but nicer. He flipped the notebook over revealing a sentence of small words.

Hi my name is Sans I have a younger brother named Papyrus and I am 18 years old!

"Say~why dont you join our group Sans?" I asked.

Sans nodded happily and put his arms on the air to show that he was happy. It made me blush a little now knowing that we have a cute little bean in our group and hopefully he'll be useful for other things as well~

Ok I know I said in the last chapter that Horror is part of the schools biggest bullies group....yeah the star sanses are also bullies they may act innocent but in this book they are mean and the bad guys know about Emo!Ink Yan!Blue and Shattered!Dream. 

The Mute Boy||Classic x StarSanses x BadSanses||Highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now