Ch 3: Whats so bad

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Papyrus's POV:

I walked into my first class of the school year. Some students were already here just playing in their phones or talking to each other. One girl ran up to me in a second and was shortly followed by a much shorter girl almost Sans's height. The first girl had blue skin, long red hair, an eye patch, and she looked like the fighting type. The other girl was a dinosaur, she had small round glasses, and a small dinosaur tail, she looked like the science type sans would like her! 

"Heya punk are you the new student?" The taller girl asked.

"U-Um yeah!" I said.

"Cool! I'm Undyne and this is Alphys."

"I'm Papyrus nice to meet you!"

The teacher walked in after a few more students and told them to take their seats and for me to come up to the front of the room. I came up and stood next to him and he smiled. I smiled back and we both faced the rest of the class. He announced my name and that I'm the new student some of the Kids smiled while others had no effect on my new attendance. The teacher told me to go sit down next to Undyne and so I did. When I got to my seat she smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.

~After class~

After class I packed up all my stuff and headed out the door. I met Undyne and Alphys outside of the class to talk before my next class.

"So wanna hang out at lunch?" Undyne asked.

"Sure is it ok if my brother joins us?" I asked.

"Of course see you then!"

The girls walked off to their next class and I headed the direction of my next class.

~At lunch~

I headed over to the cafeteria after a few classes to hang out with my new friends. But first! I have to grab I heard crying in the bathroom so I went in to check if anyone was there. I went inside and saw my brother sitting on the floor crying. I went over to him and kneeled down then put a hand on his head to signal that I was there. He looked up with magic tears in his small black eye sockets. He leaned into me crying quietly.

"Sans what happened?" I asked.

Sans signaled me something but I didnt understand what he ment with his hand geastures. They were very slow and trembaly so I hugged him and let him calm down for a bit. Soon he was ok and started signaling me again. He said that he got picked on last class for his condition and that it really hurt him because he didnt know how to stand up for himself. I took him out of the bathroom and we went to go eat with Undyne and Alphys. I saw them at a far table and we walked over. We sat down and they both looked at us confused. Sans put his head on the table and sighed.

"Hey Papyrus youre late." Undyne said.

"W-What happened?" Alphys asked.

"Oh Sans got bullied by some other students last class." I said.

"O-Oh sorry to h-hear that but just ignore them." Alphys said.

"Or tell them off!" Undyne smiled.

"He cant tell them off Undyne." I said.

"Well then kindly ask them."

"He cant do that eaither."


"He cant SPEAK Undyne."


Sans put his head up giving a weak friendly smile. I put an arm around his neck to hug him then let go as he calmed down a little more. A hand was placed on his shoulder by someone and we turned around to see who it was. It was Horror! He placed his hand on my brother and for some odd reason Alphys backed up and Undyne stood glaring at Horror. Undyne took me to the side along with Alphys and we huddled into a corner of the cafeteria.

"Dude!" Undyne said. "You're brother is in danger!"

"What? Why?" I asked nervously.

"That's Horror he's in a group with the schools biggest bullies!"

"What happened that made them so bad?"

"A-A student a-a-accidentally bumped into N-Nightmare the leader and h-he ended up in the hospital because of him!" Alphys said.

"Wait the leader ended up in the hospital?"

"No the student did!"

"Then what's so bad about Horror?"

"People say that.......he's a cannibal he eats other people for food!" Undyne said.

"Holy– my brother is in danger!"

"He's gone." Alphys quickly said.

We looked over to our table to see that my brother and Horror were both gone. I looked over to see that Sans was following him over to the other side of the room. I tried to go after him but Undyne grabbed my shoulder and shook her head.

"Sorry Paps but.....he's most likely dead."

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