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"I'm telling you to stay the hell away from me! Get out of my life!" I yelled

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"I'm telling you to stay the hell away from me! Get out of my life!" I yelled.  I would hope that I wouldn't alert anyone. However, with the screaming match that's happening between us, it was highly unlikely. 

"There you go again, being stubborn as ever." I had enough of this conversation, I turned my back towards him. Hoping he would get the hint. He snickered. "Yes, walk away from you're problems. You were always good at that. I know how this is all going to play out, you are going to ruin his life." That made me stop, I closed my eyes, trying my hardest not to punch him across the face. 

11 hours previously

I turned over onto my back as I woke up for the day. Harry's arms were still wrapped around me from the night before. I tried as best I could to get out of his hold without waking him up. 

Harry and I had a pleasant evening. Even though I had seen him at dinner, I tried my best to forget about him. I don't even know how he found me. I knew thinking about it wouldn't put me in a good mood so I tried to forget about it as I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

As I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself I took a glance at my phone that I had left by the sink. Luckily Zayn hasn't called me since yesterday. I wouldn't know what to do if he kept calling, I'm sure Harry's suspicions would be raised and I couldn't have that. 

Before Harry arrived at my flat to pick me up I had called Zayn to ask if he was able to track the call of the anonymous caller that I dealt with a few days previously.  I was still on edge about the whole thing. The feeling of someone watching had slowly crept up on me. 

"Did you find anything, Zayn?" I held the phone against my ear as I shoved clothes into my suitcase. I knew Harry would be at the flat any second. 

"I've tried everything I possibly could, Cece. The call was placed using a burner phone. I did track the car for a mile or two. However, once they got out of London, it just disappeared. They must have turned it off. We got nothing." Zayn explained to me. 

"Nothing?"I sighed deeply. I was extremely disappointed with this news. Whoever this mystery person was, they were correct in leading us to Townsend's body. From the photos they had shown me, I knew it was someone with experience, it was a contract hit. We just had to find out who placed the hit,  Townsend's brother was nowhere to be found which didn't surprise me after the way he was acting at the party.

"I've been working hard to unscramble the voice you were speaking to. But this is taking longer than I expected. Whoever this guy is, they know their stuff." Zayn told me over the phone. "I'm gonna keep trying. Sorry, this isn't what you wanted to hear." 

 "No! No that's okay, Zayn. I'll try a different approach." I reassured him. I knew there had to be more to the story, I would have to do some more digging when it comes to Townsend and his connections. Yet I was deeply frustrated with the entire thing, I tried the best to not feel that way, didn't want Harry to worry. 

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