T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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"Are you sure you wanted to be discharged from the hospital so soon?" I heard Cece say from my kitchen

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"Are you sure you wanted to be discharged from the hospital so soon?" I heard Cece say from my kitchen.

I looked up from reading my book. I had left the hospital the evening before after talking with my doctor. As long as I took it easy and didn't do any physical activity, I would be fine.

It helped that Cece was with me for the past day not wanting me to leave her sight. I sat up from my position on the couch as she walked back into my living room, holding plates of leftovers we had the night before.

"I feel fine, love." I said as I took the plate from her and switched the channel with my free hand. She cuddled up beside me. I could hear her huffing in annoyance beside me. "Cece..."

"It's fine. What time is the service today?" She asked before taking a bite of her food.

The corner still hadn't released Mrs. Jones's body to her family as it was still an active investigation. However, the family still decided to do a memorial service and a funeral would follow a few weeks later. It was last minute but it seemed like they had plans in place for a while due to her age and I wanted to pay my respects.

"This evening." I told her. It was clear from the look on her face that she was disappointed in herself. "What's wrong?"

"If I didn't have this damn mission I would be there..." Cece said as she placed her plate onto the coffee table rather harshly.

"It's okay. I understand you need to save the world and everything." I grinned as I heard her groan beside me.

"God you know you can be so corny sometimes." She chuckled.

"You love it, admit it." I nudged her a bit.

"Of course I do." She said as I placed my plate beside her. We couldn't keep our hands off each other.

After a few minutes of making out, Cece was the one who pulled away. I groaned in frustration as I gave her a look.

"Maybe we should wait till your concussion has gone away. Just to be safe." I huffed in annoyance as I knew that was where it ended.


As we collected ourselves, we continued to eat our lunch and watch a movie on the tv. That's when it hit me.

"You know your father came over yesterday to talk to me." I said not looking away from the Tv. My arm had been around Cece and I could feel her become tense beside me.

"What the hell did he say to you?" Just by looking at her face, I knew she wasn't happy.

"He told me and I quote 'stay away from my daughter.' " I said trying to reenact Charles's accent.

"First off, don't ever do that again." She said jokingly before becoming serious. " And I'm sorry he just showed up out of the blue. He had no right to do that. What the fuck..." Cece's fist tightens as anger was slowly boiling inside of her.

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