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I was jolted from a wonderful sleep from the sound of my alarm going off

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I was jolted from a wonderful sleep from the sound of my alarm going off. I winced as I rubbed my fists against my eyes. It was another wonderful morning.

"Shit!" I shouted out as I looked to see what time it was. It was 11:30 am, I was late. "Shit shit shit," I said as I fell out of my bed. I instantly stood up. "I'm going to be late..going to be late," I spoke to myself as I ran into my bathroom.

I hurriedly got ready for the day. I glanced around my room as I put my shirt on. "Keys...keys...where are my bloody keys?" I mumbled as I moved stuff around. I attempted to think back on what occurred the night before which caused me to wake up late for work.

It all came back to me as I eventually found my phone and smelled beer on the coat I had worn the night before. That's when I remembered I had a gig at a local pub in town, It had gone off without any issues. I regularly sang there on Fridays, so much that the manager knew me by name. Niall, my friend had shown up with a few other buddies from our uni days.

"You were amazing once again!" Niall stated as he laid an arm around my shoulder. He was holding a beer, typical Niall. My buddies were hooting and hollering as well. They were already drunk.

"Thanks, Niall." I laughed as we made our way through the pub towards a booth.

"Harry Styles?" I heard someone say from behind us. I turned to see who was asking for me. It was a man, presumably around our age.

"Who's asking?" I moved away from Niall and over to the guy. Niall and my buddies sat down in the booth.

"Jeff Azoff." He told me as we shook hands. I had never heard of him before. Didn't know if he was an up and coming singer or what.

"Hi. What can I do for you?" I asked. I really wanted to get back to my buddies to drink and celebrate another successful gig.

"I'm starting up my own talent management company. I heard you tonight, you were brilliant. Did you write those songs yourself?" He asked.

"Yes..that was all me," I said hesitantly. Didn't know if this guy was legit or not.

Jeff chuckled, probably realizing I wasn't buying him as a manager. "I understand, this is pretty abrupt. But I am looking for new talent. I'm legit, I swear. Look me up." He explained.

"Sorry, Jeff. But you aren't the first one to come up to me claiming that." I glared at him. Remembering how I fell once or twice for scams in the past.

"Here..." He pulled out his wallet and took out his business card. "You did amazing up there. I think you have a real shot. Trust me on this."

I didn't think twice before taking his business card from him. I looked down. So far so good. "Alright, Jeff. What do you have to offer?"

"You don't have to pay me anything, yet." He then went on to reveal how he had connections. How there was a gig coming up in two weeks and that some record execs would be there. "If we play our cards right, you write a new song or two, I wouldn't be surprised if you get a record contract. What do you say?"

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