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When I awoke for the second time I was alone in my room

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When I awoke for the second time I was alone in my room. I thought Harry would be where he was when I fell asleep. However, when I turned to look at my bedside, he was nowhere to be found. I gasped softly as I sat up in my bed, the pain was real, I clearly wasn't dreaming.

"Oh perfect, you are finally awake. Thought for a minute you took a turn for the worst." I looked up to see Natasha standing by my hospital room door. I was shocked because I didn't think she would be notified. 

"Natasha...what...are you..." I attempted to say, but I winced as I felt pain radiating through my body. It was my ribs, definitely felt like my ribs. 

"You gave us such a fright back there," Natasha smirked as she walked further into my room, stopping at the foot of my bed. "We all assumed the worst, including your, boyfriend. What's his name?" 

"You met Harry?" I was a bit taken back. I had no plans of letting Harry ever meeting anyone that I worked with, It would be too complicated trying to explain everything. So I definitely wasn't expecting Natasha to show up out of the blue.  

"Ah, yes, Harry." A smile grew on her face, but I could tell it was fake, there was nothing in the eyes. How strange. "Charming man, he cares so much about you it's practically disgusting." Natasha chuckled. "Have you decided on what you will tell him when he comes back?" 

"N-No. That's the last thing on my mind right now, Natasha." I winced once again, this time I was feeling pain in my hand. Looking down at my bandaged arm I knew I broke it, which meant I would be taken out of the field till my arm healed. 

"Ah, well, you better come up with something quick." She scoffed. "I just came back from talking with Duke about what happened. But I want to hear your point of view." 

I was sighed in relief at the mention of Duke. "Wait, Duke is fine?" I asked, that was the first thing that came to my mind when I woke up the first time. I was so worried about him. 

"He's a little banged up like you. But he will live." Natasha told me. "Now, explain how a simple mission went so terribly wrong." 

"Is anyone listening in?" I was a bit apprehensive about explaining that type of information. There could be someone listening to that shouldn't be. 

"You can trust everyone on this floor. They work with us." Natasha crossed her arms over her chest. It was obvious that she was getting irritated. "Now, go on." 

"We...we got out intel wrong. I don't know how that happened, but we did. Edwardo wasn't the one giving the money. All I know is that someone tried to kill him." I explained to her. 

"Our intel is never wrong. Edwardo was lying to you both to save himself." Natasha rolled her eyes. I knew she was angry, she had every right to be. But I know that I wasn't wrong. 

"That's what he told me-" I couldn't explain myself further before she cut me off, not wanting to listen to what I had to say. 

"Were you able to see who was trying to kill Edwardo? I know you separated from Duke for a while." Natasha said.

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