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"Okay. You stay right here and I'll bring the car around." Nina said as she stopped the wheelchair I was sitting in.

"Can't go anywhere, now can I?" I sarcastically said, motioning to the wheelchair.

"Hahaha. You're hilarious." Nina smirked. "I'll be right back."

I sat there for a few moments,  waiting for her to come back. It felt like I was just twiddling my thumbs since my phone was still at my apartment. I still couldn't forget the argument Harry and I had the day before. There was a part of me that thought I could have handled things better, that I was a bit harsh. I made a mental note to myself to try to apologize to him when I got back to my flat.

"Cece!" A smile grew on my face when I heard Duke's voice behind me. I tried to the best of my ability to turn my wheelchair to look at him.

"Duke, It's good to see you." I said. That's when I took in his appearance. Aside from the bruises and stitches, he looked like he hadn't just been in a car accident. He was also standing on two legs. Still didn't make any sense that he could walk out of the hospital but the doctor forced me to use a wheelchair. 

"Good to see you too, Hart. I was worried about you." Duke said. 

"Is Lillian picking you up?" I asked him when I noticed there was nobody with him. I did find that odd, wouldn't he want his wife to pick him up?

"No. She's busy with the...kids." I raised an eyebrow when he hesitated. He cleared his throat, breaking the gaze he had with me. "I'm driving myself." That took me by surprise. He had just got into a bad car accident, where even the doctors said it was lucky we got out of there alive, and he's driving himself?

"Really? Are you sure about that Duke? My roommate Nina is driving me. You can always catch a ride with us." I told him. He looked back at me, shaking his head. There was something in the way he acted that didn't sit right with me. But I couldn't pinpoint it.

"Uh..No..thank you though. I'll be fine!" Duke said, standing his ground.  I knew there was no way to talk some sense into him. "Your roommate is picking you up? Thought it would have been Harry." Duke smirked.

"No...No." I said looking back down. "We disagreed on something and I told him to go home." I explained to him. "Not the way I should have acted..."

"Ah, I've been there many times with Lillian. He'll get over it, trust me." Duke said bluntly.

"Are you ready Cece?" I heard Nina's voice behind me say. "Oh, Hello." Nina said, noticing Duke standing beside me.

"Yes, I'm all set. I'm ready to get out of this wheelchair." I said jokingly. "Nina, this is my partner from work, Duke.  Duke, this is my roommate Nina." Once I finished introducing each other they shook hands. Alright, so good so far. I needed to get out of there soon before Nina would ask questions.

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