02- Her

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"Maybe this dress?" Allison mumbles, looking through the racks of multi-colored dresses

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"Maybe this dress?" Allison mumbles, looking through the racks of multi-colored dresses. I move away from her, looking at a few of the monotone dresses, trying to find something that will suit the event I have to go to tonight, "Winter, I know you hate shopping, but a little more help would be appreciated."

I actually don't hate shopping. I just don't like the bigger name brand stores, but if you drop me off in a thrift store or any local store, I can spend hours there. I love more vintage things. Items that have a history attached to it, showing that someone once loved it.

"I have to find something for the charity event tonight. And all of these are too showy for me."

"We can try LV or Gucci next?"

"I may just try to find something to match at home. I have a few dresses I haven't worn yet."

"Okay. I think I'm going to stay here for a little longer. I got a bigger allowance, so I really want to find something to wear to school on Monday."

"Sounds good. I'll see you tonight then?"

A pout forms on her glossy lips as she puts down the hot pink skirt she's holding, "My family wasn't invited to this one. My dad said that no politicians will be there."

"Weird, but okay. See you on Monday," I call behind me, waving as I leave the store. I check the time, realizing I only have a few hours and still no dress to match my parents. I decide to head to my favorite thrift store. And once inside, I feel at ease. Only the owner is in the store, a little lady that only goes by Gran and nothing else.

"Hi, Winter. What brings you here today?" she calls out in a sweet voice that reminds me of apple pie.

"I need to find a dress. My family is invited to a charity gala tonight in the city."

"Something muted, I'm guessing?"

"How did you know," I say, laughing a little. Anytime I come looking for some kind of clothing, whether it's for a formal event or just to add to my collection of sweaters, she always has something in mind.

She disappears to the back, only to come back a few seconds later with a clear bag over a muted blue dress, "My daughter made this dress recently for my granddaughter, but it somehow fit her wrong. Maybe it'll be perfect for you."

Gran takes off the plastic, holding the dress up as it falls into place on the hanger. The front was a cross v-neck with ruffle sleeves and a beautiful lace keyhole in the back, "This is beautiful."

"I'm sure you'll look magnificent in it, dear."

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Gran was right when she said the dress would be perfect for me. The material flows over my body, hugging in all the right places, falling just above the floor without heels, meaning tonight will be even more comfortable than I thought.

"Sweetie, are you ready?"

My mother walks into my room, not a second later. Her dress is a sparkling blue that stops just below her knees, a perfect match to the tie my father is wearing tonight.

"Yep. How do I look?" I twirl in the dress, making my mom laugh at the small tradition we've kept since I was a child.

"Beautiful. Like a princess. That dress is perfect for you. What brand is it?"

"It's custom made. From a local seamstress."

"She's extremely talented. You should have her make all of your dresses."

We head downstairs to my dad waiting by the door, "My beautiful girls. Are you ready?"

We both nod, linking arms with him as we make our way to the driver right outside our door. As soon as we are situated, my parents try to pry everything out of me from the first week of school. From who are my teachers to if I'm trying out for cheerleading again. When am I going to start applying to colleges, the whole shebang.

It's almost a relief when we pull up to the building until I remember that my parent's colleagues and business partners will soon surround me. And Allison won't be here to direct the conversation to herself, so I'm really screwed tonight.

My father immediately pulls me into a conversation with two men he went to college with in Seoul, South Korea. Most of the discussion is in Korean until the taller of the two turns to me, "Our son is hiding upstairs in one of the offices if you want to escape," he whispers.

I was confused because Allison and I were usually the two youngest people at these events, and I've seen these two before, with no kid in tow. So I decided to excuse myself, grabbing a glass of sparkling grape juice before heading up the stairs. The building wasn't too big, but it was made for things like this. Events, galas, business meetings, so there are more meeting rooms on the top floor, but luckily, I find their son is in the first room I try.

His back is facing the door when I opened it slowly. Not reacting to the creaking that echoed throughout the room, his gaze refused to leave the city that shined brightly through the large window in front of him. His build is lean but muscular and is tall. Well, taller than me anyway. His hair is what gave him away, though. It's the bright blue that I've run into on multiple occasions at school.

"When my father's college friends said that I should introduce myself to their son, I definitely wasn't expecting you."

He turns towards me a little, a small smile on his face as his eyes meet mine, "I'm just glad that they sent you and not one of their other colleagues."

"I didn't know you came to these events, Taehyung. I've never seen you at one before," I say.

He takes a drink from the flute he's holding, "I never had to. I expressed how much I hate these, so they never made me come, but now that I'm helping with the business, I need to show myself and make connections."

"You're doing a great job at hiding yourself away up here."

"I only meet the people my dads want me to. They'll text me when they want me to come down," he moves away from the window to set down his glass on a nearby table before leaning against it and looking me up and down, "You look beautiful by the way, Winter. That color suits you."

"I got it from a thrift store in town. The owner's daughter made it," I say, leaning against the table as well, smoothing the dress over my legs, "I get a lot of my clothes there. I don't like high-end stuff."

"I shop at a local thrift store as well. The old lady is awesome. She helps me pick out clothes that I wear to school. But I also love my name brands," he says with a laugh.

Suddenly a loud text tone sounds through the room. Taehyung pulls his phone out of his pocket before sighing and standing up, "My fathers want me to meet some people. Feel free to stay in my hiding spot," he says with a wink.

"I can go to any other room and hide. Thank you very much."

"Then it'll take me longer to find you when I run away again," he says before slipping out of the room, the clicking of his dress shoes grow distant until it fades completely. I only stay for a few more minutes until my phone also rings. My mother wondering where I went and how dinner was about to be served. I leave the room, not knowing that this night would change my life forever.

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