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August 31st

     Getting this far is difficult. Not everything in life is unicorns and rainbows. I knew that. I never had that type of mentality because my life wasn't the best growing up. I know all this hard work is not for nothing and it'll pay off. I'll be a successful detective that's my only goal in life. Nothing else.

"Hey you," a voice spoke to me. "Huh." I lifted my head up from the desk "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I'm just so tired. I know it's not an excuse," I started pilling up my work. "Hey it's okay, you work really hard (y/n) how about this, you should go home early and sleep you've probably been up all night doing this assignment," my eyes widened. "Really? Thank you you're the best!" I told the kind hearted teacher.

  "I'll get going now, thank you again!" I shut the door behind me. It was already 5 PM I would usually stay in school until 7. Now that I think about it I can pick up a shift at work today. Hm. I got in my car and took my phone out of my bag. "Ah here," I dialed my manager's number.


"Hey! It's me (y/n), I was wondering if there's any extra shifts today,"

"Oh yes! I'm glad you called. We have an order ready at 5:30 you can come pick it up and the address is written on the box."

"Alright then! Thank you so much I'll be there in about 5 minutes."

   I hung up. I need this shift, I need to pay rent next week. I groaned. I wish I could just rest. I'm so fucking tired.

   I held onto the steering wheel and reversed my way out of the parking lot and started driving.

My phone started ringing. Seriously?

"Oh hey mom, what's up?"

"Hey (y/n) can you go to the pharmacy and get me some medicine for me,"

"Oh no. What's wrong with you this time?"

"Oh it's just a simple fever. We don't seem to have any medicine in the apartment."

"Oh I see. I think I'll have time, I'll just pick up an order, get the medicine, go to the house to give it to you, and then go drop off the order,"

"Thanks (y/n), sorry for bothering you during school"

"Oh I got let out earlier. It's no big deal mom, love you bye!"

This is tiring. Hope all of this work I'm doing isn't for nothing. I sighed. I pulled up to the building and parked. I think I parked good. I got out of the car and shut the door behind me.

"Hey (y/n)! Good to see you, the package is over there," one of the coworkers informed me. "Ah ok, thank you," "Oh and by the way make sure to be careful ya know because the auction is tomorrow and there's people going insane." "Oh yeah. I forgot thanks for the heads up!" He nodded. I picked up the boxes and put them in my car. 5 boxes in total. Okay time to get going now. I started my car and pulled up the directions to the nearest pharmacy. The time read 5:19. Shit. I don't think I'll be able to deliver at exactly 5:30. I need to go faster. I sped up the car trying to get there as fast as I could.

    I heard sirens in the distance. Seriously. I pulled over. The police car slowly pulled up behind me. An officer came up to me and knocked on my window. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I'm trying to multitask. I forgot the law even existed. Ugh that's not even an excuse. I hate everything," I started banging my head on the steering wheel. "Well you were speeding. Are you on drugs?" "Drugs? Of course not I'm just stressed just got out of school and I need to run all these errands today and it's all getting out of hand it's making me crazy..." my eyes widened "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to rant on about me, just give me the fucking ticket," "I'm gonna need to see your license first." I scrummaged through my bag to find it. "Ah here you go!" A few minutes passed and gave me a ticket and my license back. "Alright have a nice day and drive safe."

    Fucking cops. I started driving again at a steady but fast pace and I eventually arrived. I quickly got out of my car and entered the store.
  "Hm... fever medicine... here!" I grabbed the box of pills and walked as fast as I could to the cash register. "Will that be all for you," "Yes!" I pulled out my card and payed. The cashier handed me the bag with the pills in it, "Have a nice day! Come again," "You too!" I ran out the pharmacy and got in my car. 5:45 read the time. Damnit I'm already late.

  I drove home in a steady speed. Thank goodness home is only a few blocks away. I got there and opened the door. "(Y/n)," "Here mom, I just came to drop this off I need to get going now. Make sure to sleep!" She nodded and waved.

  I went back in my car and buckled my seatbelt. 5:50 read the time. I looked up the location on the box given. A hotel? Alright it shouldn't be too far from here. I started driving.


It took 20 minutes to get here. My eye caught a rack and I placed the boxes on there. I put on my hat so they would know I was delivering something. I looked at the hotel number assigned on the box. 98. Where's that room. Uhhh. I looked around and spotted it. I walked over to the room and knocked on it. I was getting the boxes off the rack and I heard the door opening.

"I believe these are for yo-"

My eye caught the man's eye standing in front of me.

I started breathing heavily. My heart beat was beating 10x more rapidly then it already was from doing all these errands.


There is none today but I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night.

There is none today but I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night

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