Special: The Story of Yoongi and Nanami

Start from the beginning

"I don't care about all that YiMeon...I just want to make some money and get back to Japan..."

Ah...She's Japanese....

"Pleeaasseeeeee Nanami? I promise I won't ask you to go anywhere with me again if you go just this once!"

"I highly doubt that."


Watching the girl's nose slightly twitch with playfulness and her round eyes narrow in a fox-like gaze Yoongi's heart is a mess of flutters, his lips pressing together in a thin hard line.

"Alright YiMeon. Just this once. But you better not ask me to go anywhere again!"

"You got it! I'll pick you up at eight!"

Wait....she's going to that new club...

Racing down the hallway to try and catch up with the boys who had already made their way to the back of the building to leave Yoongi grabs Jimin's shoulder before he can walk out the door, his chest now tight and heavy from running.


"Eh? Hyung? Did you actually RUN here?"

"Jimin, did you say a new club was opening up?"

"Ah...Yeah...since you didn't wanna go I invited Jungkook-"

"I'll go with you."

"...Wait you will?! Seriously?! Oh yay! Okay I'll go get ready! Here's your ticket!"

"Um...are you thinking maybe...eight?"

"Woah look at you! Starting off early! I like it! I'll see you at eight Hyung!"


Just maybe....

Having fun once in a while never hurt anyone...


"Hyung are you ready- Woah...you went all out!"

Turning around in his form fitting black suit jacket with matching pants Yoongi swallows hard and tries to contain the anxiety coursing through his veins, his lips pressing up in a nervous grin.

"Ah...well...it's new...right?"

"Right! I like your way of thinking!"

Oh man I'm nervous.

What if that girl changed her mind and didn't go?

She could have stayed home....

Oh wait what if she has a boyfriend already?!

I didn't think of that!

"Hyung...you're like...Sweating...You uh...you good?"

"Eh? O-Oh yeah! I'm fine! Let's just go so we can make it inside!"

I gotta keep myself in check and not give myself away or else the guys will make fun of me.

Sliding his body into the expensive black sports car Jimin wiggles his eyebrows and gazed at the older male, his smile reaching up to his slanted eyes.

"I'm so excited about this, we're going to be the best people there you just wait!"

I don't care about anyone else there....I just want to find that pretty girl....she works at the company...but still...maybe here I could talk to her easier...

I just have to hope she isn't already taken....


Just as I thought.

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