What is this place?

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I woke up a few hours later...i looked at my surroundings and saw Toga standing there. " T-toga! Help me please?!" I said with my voice shaking. She just stared at me and shook her head no. I looked at her with tears in my eyes obviously terrified. "Did you do this?.." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Don't cry my love. I'm not gonna hurt you l/n" she said walking towards me with a crooked smile on her face. No wonder my parents said not to talk to strangers- now i was kidnapped. I mean i didn't mind but i did. My thoughts are screwed up right now! I can't think straight. Well not like i could even think straight, I'm too gay for that shit. I looked at her and said "please..just let me go!" She replied, "no! No fucking way i will let you go Y/N! I have waited too damn long for this shit! I love you Y/N!" She had this crazy look on her face...i only cried louder begging for her to let me go. "Shut up!" This bitch with blue hair and a crusty ass face yelled as he stood in the doorway violently scratching at his neck. "You shut up raggedy bitch!" I shouted back. Toga and the man stood there in complete shock. "What did you call me?..." He asked staring me down. "I called you a raggedy b-bitch!!" I said back trying not break down and cry. I was terrified! I had no idea where i was, why i was there, and what they wanted from me! I was just a quirkless girl who had nothing to offer! "You should stop while you're ahead L/N." This blue haired bobble headed bitch told me. "I'll decay you."He replied. "Oh Tomura Shigaraki, No wonder your crusty ass seemed familiar." I said pissed off. "Honestly Toga, what do you see in her?"Shiggy asked. "Everything. Have you seen her body? It's perfect." Toga said. I looked at both of them while they continued to talk about me. I eventually passed out due to stress.


A/N: Hi! I hope y'all are enjoying this so far. I have like 70 something reads which is surprising to me! So thank you for that. The lemon will begin soon- just wait. So I hope y'all noticed i didn't mention a specific body type. I did that because everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way. You don't have to be curvy, skinny, etc. To be pretty. To be pretty you have to be you. I mean personality wise. Looks don't matter what so ever and i stand by that. Anyways apart from that i hope you are all enjoying what i have written so far. I get a bit of free time in class so i try to write with every little bit of time i get. I know i don't have hella reads but for those who do read what i write i will try to write as much as possible. Welp! Gn, Gm, or Ga. wherever you are- im gone so uhh cya!


Toga 𝗫 fem reader {smut😩}Where stories live. Discover now