new villian?

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Tokoyami and i walked up to the LOV base assuming thats were they were. I needed to go back for my wound treatment anyways but why not bring a friend along. I walked in with him and suddenly felt a hand grab mine. It was his I guess he was nervous or whatever.

We walked in and Tenko saw Tokoyami and immediately that crusty rag got defensive. "Y/n! Theres a pro on your hand! blink if you're in danger." Is he stupid or just stupid. I swear this man child looses his common sense day by day. I blinked.
He took off his sorta fingerless glove and hand out charged towards Tokoyami. I moved Fumikage out the way and made blue bitch disintegrate a picture.
"What the hell L/n! don't tell me you brought him here on purpose. I don't want to have to kill Togas lover and another pro." I rolled my eyes at his remark. I walked in and saw Toga, she looked actually sad. I felt my own palms get sweaty. I kinda freaked out yesterday knowing that she was always watching. Then everything felt heavy. It had only been a day so why did i feel this way. I believe that Tokoyami saw my fear and squeezed my hand in reassurance that everything was going to be ok. I let go of his hand and went up to Toga and hugged from behind. She shoved me off "Dabi i said i'm fine" She grumbled. I know she did not think i was this purple musty skinned missing lip metal detector menace crunchy haired bitch. "Turn around smart guy" I rolled my eyes and suddenly felt a warm embrace.
Also a light sting but thats fine.

We hit the ground and I was being showered im kisses. I can't believe i missed out on a day of this. Every weight i felt disappeared like it never existed. I felt safe in her arms.

Togas POV
My partner was finally home. It had only been a day but felt like an eternity. Never again. They will never leaving me again. I loved them too much. I wanna make them my permanent half but it's wayyy to early for that. I kisses all over their face and hugged them forgetting about the injuries. Oh wait..Their injuries! I got up quickly and had Kurogiri warp me to my small apartment i shared with y/n and grabbed their treatments and bandages. My heart felt full. I had a smile go from ear to ear. It was a wide smile. I felt complete once more.

I went back to the love of my life and sat next to them taking of their old bandages. I felt them kiss my forehead. God i wanted to spend the rest of my life with them. I finished treating their wounds and saw a hero in the corner of my eye. Was i that distracted?! "Toga calm down. He's with me." I hear Y/n say. "Are you joking?" I said looking at my partner as if they were crazy. WERE THEY CRAZY??? "Y/n I love you with all my heart you know this but he's a hero." They looked at me with a mischievous smirk. What did they do now? I knew that look, it meant nothing good. "A hero who killed a pro! To work with us doll. Isn't it great?! One who wont walk in on us." Okay so maybe they were up to good. I looked at my Y/n and kissed them. Then I made my way to Tenko. I actually got him to agree to Tokoyami working with us. We knew it was legit when we turned on the TV and saw on the news that Ms.Joke had been murdered. Hawks came in and hugged Tokoyami with a smile on his face. "This kid was working with me a few years back!" The cannibal bird squawked.

If i'm honest Tokoyami seemed to be more shocked than relieved to see hawks.
The rest of the league seemed ok with it. So with that we then welcomed Dark Shadow and Tokoyami to the League of Villains.

HEY YALL LUC HERE also don't question my all caps. Anywhoo from this point on im doing wild card Wednesdays. So every Wednesday i will be posting some random ass headcannon on you and Toga. Basically a random event that happened or whatever. Mostly sex involved. Don't worry you'll obviously get your normal chapters but this is a little extra for y'all! this wild card Wednesday isn't gonna be posted on Wednesday it'll actually be posted right after this sooo you enjoy that. Other than that you'll get your normal chapters and a little extra on Wednesdays while i work on the next event in this book! have a great day/afternoon/night <33

word count- 818

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