A dream..

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Togas POV:
I woke up from this terrible nightmare what seemed to be so real..Y/n kissed Dabi! But i looked to see my parter next to me sleeping peacefully. I hoped it had all been a nightmare, or dream whatever you wanna call it. All that matters was that my y/n was next to me safe and sound. They make me feel safe and i hope i do the same, despite the fact i kidnapped them..- anyways i went back to sleeping holding them in my arms and not letting go. I didn't wanna let go it wasn't something i looked forward to.

A few hours later

Y/n's pov:
I woke up a little bit later than usual so i made brunch as Toga was still asleep. She looked peaceful and calm, and i didn't wanna ruin that for her. While i was cooking i got bored so i called Dabi to come over. Within a few minutes he arrived and helped me cook and we laughed together for a bit. It was fun, he's a good friend. After me and Dabi plated Toga walked out the room and saw Dabi "good m-" before i could finish my sentence Toga slapped me and Dabi across the face. We all stood in silence for a while till Dabi broke it. "Toga why the fuck did you do that?!" She looked at him and rolled her eyes "because of this dream i had damnit!" I could see this building rage within her eyes. It scared me to be honest! After i got out my head i see both of them arguing then them physically fighting. I was in shock what the hell was going on?! Was i in my head for that long? I didn't wanna get in the middle of it but then again Dabi is about to cremate my girlfriend so i had no choice. "Stop! You both seem so fucking ridiculous!!" I shouted at them. They stopped and looked at me for a bit. Like i was crazy- "the fuck are you looking at? I was telling the truth." I said to break the silence. "Whatever im going home. Cya later L/n" Dabi said exiting the apartment. I looked at Toga and she looked at me "who said you could talk to me that way brat?" She said to me "Toga im not in mood for this..." i said as i looked away from her. But she didn't care. She picked me up and slammed me on the couch

this upcoming scene was requested by one of my readers so here you go whoever requested this! Lemon in Ze living room >:}

T/w: dirty talk and pinning.

sEcOnD pErSon PoV 🙄(ty though😂):

Toga soon undressed you and herself still having this anger in her eyes. Without notice she licked on your boobs.

A/n: and ima make you wake for the next chapter because yeaaa🙂


Toga 𝗫 fem reader {smut😩}Where stories live. Discover now