Living room

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2nd POV right?-

She stuck her hand between your legs and rubbed your clit putting her hand on your neck and stuck two fingers your vagina in without notice. You yelped in a little pain but much pleasure as she fingered you deeply. You held on to her wrist and you soon went into a deep kiss with her fingers still in you. She felt you wrap up around her fingers and bit your neck and whispered as she went faster "You like that you little slut, don't you?" She smirked "yes! I d-do! A-hhh!" you came letting out a gasp of air and rubbed yourself lightly. She took her fingers out and licked them and began to eat you out moving your hand aside. Ok so maybe this was a lot for you but you seemed to like it so Himiko continued.

||Time skip|| +a few hours later+

Y/n's pov:
Toga seemed to be asleep still, today was a long day and its still barely the afternoon. I got bored and went to the bathroom and did my usual skin care routine.(whatever that is for you) After that i just got ready. I felt amazing not gonna lie. I had my (they way you look in this) It felt great to have this much confidence. I honestly felt bad for Himiko but you better believe i was still pissed off at the fact she hit me. Yes im a quirkless person that may not even have a chance beating her in a battle of any form, but im F/n(full name) and I'm not to be fucked around with. With an exception..but that's not the point! My point is she will not hit me without her getting a piece of my goddamn mind.

Word count: 303

Toga 𝗫 fem reader {smut😩}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя