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Not me being in my flop era- im slowly giving up on this fanfic and it shows. Might start a new one soon lol. Mainly bc i have left the mha fandom but whatever. Enough of my rant none of y'all will read you little toga simps. Enjoy😘😘


It was your wedding day. You threatened a man to marry both you and Toga. You were dress in your d/w/o(dream wedding outfit) and Toga in a velvet r/c dress. Hiro wearing an identical outfit to Togas but as a small suit. Tokoyami in just a normal black suit. You walked on petals that Hiro had thrown. Tokoyami walked you down the isle then stood next to you as your best man. You were already in tears. Toga looked at her beautiful bride to be. Damnit her eyes were cosplaying a near overflowing cup. You stood in front of her. This was it. You were finally getting married to the love of your life. The ceremony went on and what not and y'all were officially married. Wife and Wife you couldn't have been happier. Toga took most blood out the man who had married you both so that she could "marry" you and Tokoyami. You all had fun. Two hours passed and you spent it with your small family.

Little did y'all know it was about to be the red wedding.

You were dancing with your lover, best friend, and child. You all were Having an amazing time just having fun. You heard helicopters and sirens. Along with explosions in the distance. There in the air was a mop? Wait that can't be right, maybe a light yellow amoeba? NO NEVER MIND THATS A FUCKING BAKUWHORE!
"Thanks for the invite y/n" The light yellow amoeba said. Other grads from UA popped up behind him. You looked around in shock, how could this be happening? On your special day?

why...why was this happening? Where is your happy ending. Why can't you have your happy ending? You were lost in your thoughts while your wife was fighting. "Useless.." You heard a voice. "You are useless..." The whispering soon became inaudible. You were struck by an explosion and it's almost like you were separated from yourself. You can see yourself, but it's not you? An entity in the form of you.

L/N Y/N-
QUIRK: unknown.
You have the ability to generate a quirk when necessary. When your quirk has reached its full potential your conscience will separate itself from you in times of need. From there it would have formed itself into a humanoid figure identical to you.

Side affects- unknown

You see yourself lunge to help your wife. You couldn't believe your eyes. You had a quirk? This bought you time. You grabbed your son and dog. You put em somewhere safe before you were lifted up from your arms by a knock off tin-man and the human boner grabbing your legs. Took the rock man from fantastic four a good minute to grab your legs. Lucky for him his quirk broke your heels. You weren't going down that easily though. You were very squirmy making it difficult to keep a grip on you. Yanked your arms full force and fell to the ground. Now your legs, this was gonna be tricky with tetsu still going for your arms. You kicked off your shoes and got up. You ran and saw bodies everywhere. You saw Tokoyami and pro-heros. All lifeless just laying there. Your conscience re-entered your body. You felt to lost.

"Mama!" You heard barking and your son.
"Mama!" you ran to your son and picked him up. Tetsu and Kiri were nowhere in sight. You cried holding onto your child and fur-child. You felt arms wrap around you, her sweet embrace. It was Toga, your wife. You looked over at Tokoyami and saw him. He was severely injured, but he was breathing. You picked him up still kinda dragging him. You when to your place with Toga and told her to pack. You attended to Tokoyamis wounds while she packed valuables. You made Toga watch him while you got cleaned up. You needed to go into stores before arriving at your final destination. When you were younger your family owned a cabin. Ever since you turned 18 it was officially yours and you decided that should be your new home. You loaded up the biggest car you owned and got everything and everyone inside. "Hey my love, why did you look so off when fighting? Not saying you're not pretty hot when beating ass." Toga asked. "That wasn't me hun." You gave a soft smile and watched Toga get in the car even more confused than before. You had left a match on around flammable things and lit up the place you had called home. Why do your houses always burn, we'll never be sure. From there you drove and never looked back.

11 years later

"Hiro, get your sister up please! It's your first day on the radar and you need to make a good appearance!" You said from the couch as your lovely wife washed the dishes. You rubbed your stomach looking down at your unborn children. You smiled at your best friend Tokoyami while you both were telling jokes watching TV. "Bye moms! bye uncle Fumi!" Hiro and his little sister Yumi yelled while running out the door.

Hello everyone! This is the end of  Toga x Reader {smut} sorry i didn't add more but i think this was a good place to end before i start my newest book "On Your Radar". I bet y'all have questions so if you do please feel free to ask and I'll try my best to answer. Thanks for all your support! 🖤🖤


Toga 𝗫 fem reader {smut😩}Where stories live. Discover now